Films about Nonviolence

Nonviolence International – films about nonvolence Movements and Monuments
Collection archivist Mischa Gabowitsch about this collection

I initially compiled a list of films about nonviolent resistance in preparation for a workshop about the history, theory, and practice of nonviolence that I organized as part of the Berlin Colloquia on Contemporary History in February 2012. Later I incorporated suggestions collected by Beate Sissenich via the amsoc mailing list and by Stellan Vinthagen via the Nonviolent Research Network as well as a number of other films I have come across since. Inclusion in the list does not constitute endorsement (some of these films are outstanding, while others are terrible), nor is it based on very strict criteria of what constitutes nonviolent struggle. Corrections, additions and suggestions for improvement are welcome.
For the time being I am only providing links to publicly available full versions (viewing some of them requires registration or payment of a small fee).