Election Warriors still needed in Fayetteville

What can you do to help Arkansas stand up to the right-wing challenge?

Poll Watchers are needed in some of our 56 polling places. Poll Watching has been pretty calm in previous elections. Since we’re not a swing state it may remain that way again. But it’s very important that both major parties have watchers available in the event that something does happen.

In charge of recruiting and training Poll Watchers for the Democratic Party can be reached at this email. There’s a brief training, and you’d be assigned to a particular polling place. It’s a community service that can be simple to do and gives you a peek into the election process. I’ve done it a couple of times and it was very interesting.

Contact Margaret at volunteers@washcodemocrats.com .to go on their training list.

What we do now will have more impact than in any election of our lives. The election is right around the corner. Don’t let it catch you unprepared.

Have you checked your voter registration to be sure you weren’t among the thousands of voters purged from registration lists? Do you know what candidates you support yet? Do you know your polling place?

How about your family and friends? Are they ready too?

Now’s the time to think through our voting plans, and get our folks ready to do our civic duty together.

It’s of utmost importance friends. Now’s the time.