Dive Into Action!

Saturday June 15th from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm at the Arkansas State Capitol

We will “Dive Into Action” with an exciting day planned for our members and member groups! We are still finalizing the agenda but I can tell you that it’s one you and your members won’t want to miss because it will set the pace for our work going into the rest of 2019 and 2020.

On June 15th, we will hear from a panel of state legislators recapping the good and the bad of the 92nd General Assembly and some things to look out for moving forward. We will also hear on some of the upcoming work CFC and the Panel will be doing. And we will have some other sessions planned out to ensure our coalition is strong and effective heading into these crucial months and years ahead.

Please encourage your membership to register at this link: https://arpanel.dm.networkforgood.com/forms/dive-into-action-cfc-quarterly-meeting-06-15-19

Contact Gladys if you’d like to carpool. 479-283-2167