Defending Democracy Where It Was Born

Right here. In the United States. We never thought we’d need to do this, but here we are.
Ok, democracy is not a perfect system, but it’s acknowledged to be the best system we have so far, and most of us want to keep it. Those who don’t are not choosing the side of humanity in this struggle for a future with hope, so they aren’t the audience for this discussion.
It’s less than 40 days until this wildly crazy election, and the tensions – the fear even – on all sides is nationally palpable. Arkansas no less than anyplace in the country. A poll I did a couple weeks ago confirmed that of all the tensions besetting us, the election is the tension highest on people’s minds.
The best way to meet fear is to have a plan. Always. What kind of plan can help us move away from fear, distrust and move toward a place where … – more critical discussion at the link Image designed by