Conflict Transformation Education online for you!

Peace Week is a good time to check this out!Conflict Transformation Education online for you!
from the peace experts – Peace Direct   We’re excited to tell you about the launch of our new online course, ‘Conflict Transformation’.  

The course is relevant to anyone working in conflict situations. It offers a practical toolkit for building peace locally. Whether you’re working in peacebuilding, human rights, aid, development, democracy or environmental sustainability, this course can support your work. 

‘Conflict Transformation’ includes 8 modules, a variety of real life scenarios and case studies from across the world. For a limited time only, the course is free of charge until the end of August 2021.  

We request the honor of your presence to view an online screening of the four-time award-winning film, Free Men. The date of the screening is Saturday, July 10, 2021. The screening will take place from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM CST. This online event is being hosted and sponsored by the Northwest Arkansas Prison Story Project.   Told through the charismatic voice of inmate Kenneth Reams, Free Men is a film about human resilience, art, love, and the criminal justice system in America. Immediately following the screening, a Q & A with Kenneth Reams will take place. 

Zoom Link:

Freemen Documentary Trailer