Climate Change Forum Assessing the Challenges of the Anthropocene

GoToMeeting Link below
Sunday Nov 1 – 1:30 pm

Join others concerned about climate change at this online event, where Arlene Hopkins will present. This gives me excited shiver’s! Here’s how she describes part of her talk:

The Challenge: How can each of us in our households and in our communities, individually and collectively, foster resilient and regenerative ways of living on the earth in community with all sentient beings. 
Part 1 – Interesting Ideas: We look at a set of websites that may inform our thinking for programs and projects intended to enhance resilience and foster regeneration of our social ecological systems. We’re seeking a framework of ideas for whole coherent systems during a time of transformative paradigmatic changes.

Overview: (A) Design Thinking as an Approach, (B) Challenges of the Anthropocene, (C) Goals to Address the Challenge, (D) Empirically-based Frameworks for Programs and Projects , and ( E) Ready – Set – Go: Consciousness & Nature.  

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