
Meals Project for homeless people through the Gateway Project

You Can Help Big Time! Meals Project for homeless people through the Gateway Project The crazy situation from Washington DC has us all unsettled. It’s not going to get better for awhile. Omni Center’s Gateway Village Project is starting a new project to help 7hill Shelter provide meals to their homeless population in emergency situations where other meals fall through. You’ll be hearing more about this project soon. It’s called Gateway EMT – Emergency Meals Teams. You might want to join in.

Homeless Solutions meeting

Thursday March 6 – 6:30 pm – Omni Center 3274 N. Lee Ave Fayetteville Homeless Solutions is made up of folks who want to see our city and our regional end homelessness. We meet the first Thursday of the month. Join us Thursday March 6 at 6:30 at Omni Center. This month we’ll be talking about a new activity from the Gateway Village Project. We have an invitation to work with them to help 7hills Homeless Shelter feed the people in its Day Center. It would be GREAT to have your help friends! Join us for the meeting and find […]

Homeless Solutions Meet-Up

Thursday Feb 6 – 6:30 – Omni Center Thank you Homeless Solutions Folk for your faithful attendance at the Housing Crisis Task Force meetings over these several months! We know we’re making a dif! At the next meeting let’s discuss the last TF to update each other on what we’re seeing emerge. Where do we want to put our energy now? Who else do we need to connect with? Are there things we still need to learn? (very likely) If you’ve never been to a Homeless Solutions meeting before don’t let that stop you from joining us!

What the Mayor said to the Task Force

Public meeting Jan 22 was enlightening! It’s been fascinating watching the Housing Crisis Task Force move from baffled citizens asking themselves (just like all of us are)  “what the heck’s going on with housing?” Slowly, as they interview area experts and talk to people all over town, what they’re revealing is a whole lot of different people in city government, the development community and a lot of related industries and agencies all doing their jobs to the very best of their ability, as they are safely tucked into their own narrow silo, with no effective way to know how their work is impacting […]

Homeless Solutions Invites You

Thursday Nov. 7 – 6:30 pm – Omni Center Things are getting exciting for Homeless Solutions folks. SEVERAL of us attended the Housing Crisis Task Force in October and heard from presenters and Task Force members how very hard it is to build low-income housing in our town. The presenter was Brandon Scalion, of Countdown Properties LLC. Brandon successfully built a development of low-income apartments in Clarksville with warm help from city officials, staff and other partners. He came to Fayetteville thinking he’d do that for us too. What a beautiful idea. But …. after 4 months of fighting city […]

Homeless Solutions Thursday night

Thurs October 3 – 6:30 pm – Omni Center It’s been a very active month and the Homeless Solutions gathering crept up on us. We will be meeting TOMORROW (the first Thursday of the month) 6:30 pm at Omni like we usually do.  At the Housing Task Force meeting in September Homeless Solutions had a great presence! Instead of three lonely HS reps, there were EIGHT of us, and 4 gave outstanding testimony about their views and their personal experiences of housing difficulties in Fayetteville. It was reassuring to know that the task force was attentively listening to our people speak their hearts. At the […]

Homeless Solutions Strategy Meeting

Thursday Aug 1 – 6:30 pm – Omni Center Homeless Solutions is coming up on Thursday August 1.  It’s about time we of the Homeless Solutions Group have a heart-to-heart talk about what’s coming up for housing and homelessness in Fayetteivlle based on what we know right now. The Housing Task Force had it’s first meeting June 26. It was just a first meeting, but some good things came out of it we should talk about. We could have a real impact here. The next meeting is July 24. We may have ideas by then. Another thing is how the Fayetteville Housing Coalition […]