Dick’s Newsletter 2024


https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2024/01/omni-merchants-of-death-war-crimes.html Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology See also anthologies on International Tribunal on US Imperialism, Military Industrial Complex, Culture of War, Militarism, Individual US Wars, and more CONTENTS Brad Wolf.  “War for Profit”: From WWI to WWII to War Crimes Tribunal 2023 Kathy Kelly, Nick Mottern, Brad Wolf.  “Come War Profiteers, Give Account.”   November 10-13, 2023 Col. Wilkerson, “Next Evidentiary Video.” Tribunal’s investigation of the U.S. war on Afghanistan TEXTS From WWI to WWII to War Crimes Tribunal 2023 MAY 9, 2023 “”War for Profit: A Short History.” BY BRAD WOLF The first page […]

GAZA ANTHOLOGIES #14 January 12, 2023

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology. (#1: 3-3-08; #2 Nov. 16, 2012; #3 Nov. 17, 2013; #4 May 31, 2014; #5 July 28, 2014; #6 August 30, 2014; #7 April 8, 2015; #8 May 13, 2021; #9, October 15, 2023; #10, October 23, 2023; #11, Nov. 4 and Nov. 7, 2023; #12 , Nov. 16, 2023; #13, Dec. 16, 2023). http://omnicenter.org/donate/ CONTENTS FOR #14(Because I learned early in its history that social media often resulted in or was even designed to produce polarization via viral images that stimulated adrenaline and dopamine, I have delete […]