Dick’s Newsletter 2024


https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2024/05/climate-refugees-anthology-2.html Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology https://Omnicenter.org/donate Related Anthologies CLIMATE REFUGEES ANTHOLOGY #1     https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2022/11/omni-climate-refugees-anthology-1.html TEMPERATURE, HEAT, CLIMATE CATASTROPHE Anthology #3, August 29, 2020. https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2020/08/omni-temperature-heat-climate.html UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification   www.unccd.int JUNE 17, 2021.   https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2021/06/omni-celebrates-june-17-2021-unccd.html  UN World Water Day, March 22 UN World Oceans Day, June 8UN World Refugee Day, June 20 CONTENTS #2 ARKANSASTwo Aspects of GrowthUSAMegadrought in US WestKatrina’s Climate CrimesGLOBALThe Crisis from 2007Climate Refugees in the Twenty-First Century (book) IPCC’s Latest Assessment, Slow-Motion ApocalypsePacific Islands Disappearing350.org Report, Global Climate StrikeStorming the Wall: Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security (book)Trump […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2024/05/omni-nicaragua-anthology-1.html TEXTS History of US Domination of Central America: Nicaragua Daniel Kovalik.  Nicaragua, A History of U.S. Intervention & Resistance.   Editor.  Mronline.org (4-10-22). Originally published: COHA (Council on Hemispheric Affairs)  on April 7, 2022 by Dan Kovalik (more by COHA (Council on Hemispheric Affairs))  |  (Posted Apr 09, 2022) Imperialism, Inequality, State Repression, StrategyNicaragua, United StatesReview I have written this book to explore the pernicious nature of U.S. engagement with Nicaragua from the mid-19th century to the present in pursuit of control and domination rather than in defense of democracy as Washington has incessantly claimed. In turn, […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology, May 12, 2024 https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2024/05/omni-student-protests-against-israeli.html Also prepare for International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Nov. 29, 2024   https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2021/11/un-international-day-in-solidarity-with.html, and for ISRAELI BDS DAY (BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT, SANCTIONS) AND PALESTINIAN LAND DAY, MARCH 30, 2025. CONTENTS (40 articles published in early May 2024; i.e., it’s an extremely limited sample of the countless articles in support of students, free speech, and academic freedom v. the decimation of Gaza; contact me if you would like to compile the 2nd shorter Anthology, I have the articles ready to edit) “History Is Indispensable to […]

JULIA WARD HOWE’S MOTHER’S DAY FOR PEACE ANTHOLOGY, May 10, 2024 (2nd Sunday of May of Each Year.)

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace and Justice https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2024/05/omni-julia-ward-howes-mothers-day-for.html Code Pink MOTHER’S DAY FOR PEACE 2024 Sign our Mother’s Day petition to tell Congress: Protect the mothers and children in Gaza! Share the Mother’s Day petition on Twitter and Facebook! Join us in Congress for Mother’s Day! Support encampments in solidarity with Gaza! Support families in Gaza! RAGING GRANNIES WILL BE IN DC WITH CODEPINK MAY 9! TO ALL IN SEATTLE AREA 2024 “Join Ground Zero for Mother’s Day Weekend of Action, May 11-12, 2024.”   Abolish Nuclear Weapons GOOGLE SEARCH Julia Ward Howe was sickened by what had happened during […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2024/04/omni-may-day-labor-day-international.html “International Labour Day 2024: Date, history, significance and all that you need to know.”  ByTapatrisha Das, Delhi.  Hindustan Times.  Apr 30, 2024 . International Labour Day 2024: From date to significance, here’s all that you need to know about the special day. International Labour Day 2024: The workers and the working class are the driving force of a country. They are the ones who do most of the work to initiate development. The nation and the state are built by its infrastructure, development and the economy. The workers get down […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a World of Peace, Justice, and Ecology https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2024/04/omni-zionism-anthology-1.html These readings offer a randomly selected, brief sampling of criticism of Zionism mainly from the point of view of individual Jews and Jewish peace organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace. I have not tried to represent the history of Christian Zionism, which is also complex and abundant.  –Dick Esther Farmer and Rosalind Petchesky, and Sarah Sills, eds.  A Land with a People:  Palestinians and Jews Confront Zionism.  Monthly Review P (2023).  https://monthlyreview.org/product/a-land-with-a-people/ Anti-Semitism  Anti-Zionism  Decolonization  Palestine  Reviews  Settler colonialism  Zionism  A Land With A People Edited by Esther Farmer, Rosalind Petchesky and Sarah Sills.  226 pages, $19. […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2024/04/omni-earth-day-april-22-2024.html ContentsTAKE ACTION FOR THE EARTH: Featured Organizations Jane Fonda for Greenpeace Rabbi Waskow for The Shalom Report Union of Concerned Scientists Google Search Additional Articles’ Way to a Better Fighting for our planet’s survival   4-20-24Jane Fonda, Greenpeace USA via uark.onmicrosoft.com  Hi, James. Jane here. I’m not only a climate activist — I’m also a cancer survivor, twice over now. I realize I’m lucky to have had amazing doctors and nurses, and grateful to live in a time in which so much progress has been made in researching this awful […]

CUBA ANTHOLOGY #12 April 5, 2024

April 5, 202 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology https://Omnicenter.org/donate What’s at Stake: Cuba’s long resistance to US attempts to destroy its socialist government and society as a whole, and, despite the oppression, Cuba’s signal achievements.    CONTENTS OF CUBA ANTHOLOGY #12 US WAR ON CUBA The People’s Forum, “Bread for Our Neighbors, Let Cuba Live”Liberation News Staff.  “Three Lies about Cuba Debunked.” Pedro Ross.  How the Workers’ Parliaments Saved the Cuban Revolution .  Rev. by Dick BennettAtilio Borón.   “Leave Cuba Alone.” Dario Calvisi.  “Biden Administration Prolongs Economic Warfare on Cuba.” W. T. Whitney, Jr.  […]