Current Events

Helen’s Art Opening & Peace Day Concert

Coming Up SoonTickets are now available!!!!!!! ***LIMITED SEATING!*** Helen Kwiatkowski Friday, September 6:   Art Opening Saturday, September 21:  Peace Day Concert Peace Day Concert  for International Day of Peace Saturday September 21 Sequoyah Hall Mount Sequoyah Center Door: 6:00 pm Show: 7:00 pm Dana Louise Emily Kaitz & Dennis Collins and Reading by Ginny Masullo ************************* Advance Tickets: 20.00 (highly recommended) Proceeds to benefit Children’s Safety Center of Washington County

Choose Democracy

Choose Democracy is delighted to let you know our book, “What if Trump Wins,” is now available for order. “What if Trump Wins?” is the first book we know of that lays out different strategies for resisting a Trump autocracy (or a coup, depending on how elections go). The book is a choose-your-own-adventure, to allow your brain to stretch and explore different options and scenarios. Your character helps grow the resistance. Can you guide us towards a better, more humane democracy? We’re delighted to offer the book! It makes a great gift to friends and colleagues. Order your book now! […]

Postcards for Democracy Defending Democracy in This Year’s Election!

All 1000 of our postcards have been adopted Omni folks! THANK YOU to the whole team working to push those votes forward. There are a few packets that haven’t picked up yet. If you requested cards and don’t have them, they’re in the Omni office ready for you. There’s plenty of time to prepare them for mailing in October, but you don’t need to wait. Give Gladys a call (479-283-2167) to pick them up, get them delivered to your door, or mailed if you’re at a distance. There are still more cards that need a loving touch. Email to […]

YouthWorks Conservation Corps wants you or your kids!

Apply at the link below for more information and an application! Texas Conservation Corps a Program of American YouthWorks is in Fayetteville. Passionate about the environment? Join Arkansas Conservation Corps! Explore the AmeriCorps service term opportunities designed to make a difference while building leadership skills. All backgrounds welcome! Engage with communities, learn through projects, discover environmental career pathways, and inspire change. Benefits include: Crew Member Monthly Living Allowance: $2,400/month Crew Leader Monthly Living Allowance: $2,720/month Segal AmeriCorps Education Award: money for qualified student loans, higher education and training programs Free Health Insurance for AmeriCorps Members Needs-based Support Services Technical and […]

Southern Poverty Law Center Year in Hate and Extremism Report

Year in Hate and ExtremiThe extreme right prepares for the end of democracy SPLC has done an amazing job of compiling massive amounts of information on hate groups and their activities. This report is the background to the scary “Project 2025” summary It was released in June when hackers found it in material from the Heritage Foundation. . Be sure you are informed about what’s happening in our world Omni folks. Democracy is clearly in danger. See the postcard project at the top of this page to help Report

Announcing the NWA Belonging Barometer survey!

Engage NWA is excited to officially launch the Belonging Barometer survey in Northwest Arkansas! This survey aims to better understand the sense of belonging within our community and identify ways to improve our collective experience. This survey is available in multiple languages and formats to ensure accessibility for everyone. We invite you to participate and share your experience. It only takes 3-5 minutes to complete. Click the link below to get started.