Current Events

More Threat from our Quorum Court. New zoning laws hustled through

Tonight Monday Sept 30 – 6:00 pm – Washington County Courthouse Washington County Judge Patrick Deakin has decided to push through zoning ordinances that allow him to decide the fate of thousands of parcels of land with less oversight or input from either property owners or Quorum Court Justices. Read this concerned and passionate analysis from Cecilliee Duncan, an affected Washington County citizen, to see what that means, and what it may mean for you. Tonight the County Services Committee could be pressured to adopt his scheme unless there’s a public presence watching him. If you are available please come […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology International Day of Peace (United Nations) The International Day of Peace, also officially known as World Peace Day, is a United Nations-sanctioned holiday observed annually on 21 September. Wikipedia Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024 Celebrations: Multiple world wide events Observed by: All UN member states 40 years ago, people around the world came together in San Francisco, the birthplace of the United Nations, to celebrate the passage of the United Nations resolution establishing the International Day of Peace (Peace Day). Attend in person or watch our Global Live Broadcast. WHAT IS […]

Canada passes its FIRST climate justice

The Climate Moment Stories from this unique moment on Earth …. What’s happening with the climate?! Canada passes its FIRST climate justice law In June, Canada passed its first climate justice law. It was reported that “This new law requires the federal government to develop and regularly report on a strategy to prevent environmental racism and advance environmental justice. It promises a measure of accountability to communities that have long been on the front lines of climate disaster, pollution and environmental risks.” Activists submitted more than 10,000 petition signatures in a “groundswell of support” for the legislation. This year had the hottest […]

Fight For Our Future

People’s Action – You can take political action to change our country’s direction Fight For Our Future Omni folks stepped in and mailed 1000 post cards to swing states this year. If you need more to do before November rolls around, there are several awesome groups organizing phone banks, text banks and educational efforts of different kinds in an effort to defend our democracy from authoritarian takeover. Things you can do from your home.