Current Events

Stormwater Runoff Workshop

The Living Landscape SeriesStormwater Runoff WorkshopSat April 16 – 1:00 pm – Put his on your calendarOmni Center, 3274 N. Lee Ave, Fayetteville Jane Maginot, the stormwater educator for the University of Arkansas’ county extension office, will be giving a presentation on Low-Impact Development and stormwater management. We’ll learn various techniques for using storm water to enhance landscaping, reduce pollution of rivers and streams, and recharge our aquifer. After Jane’s presentation, participants will access the Omni grounds and brainstorm ways to use good stormwater practices in the development of our living landscape project. We will limit the number of participants to 20. Rain or […]

Homebuyer Trainings from Partners for Better Housing

We just wanted to make you aware of some vaouable homebuyer preparedness trainings taking place this year! If interested, register here and or share with those who may be interested. Food will be provided at each. 1.   Homebuyer 101 (sorry this one happened already): Saturday, February 26th, 2022 from 12 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at 115 S. Willow Avenue, Fayetteville, AR 72701 2.   Down payment & Closing cost assistance (ADFA Homebuyer programs): Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 from 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (Webinar & in person/Location TBD) 3.   Habitat for Humanity orientation and other homeownership programs and resources: Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. and Saturday, April 30th, 2022 @ 10 […]

IPCC report underscores Urgent need to ramp up Drawdown Solutions

IPCC report underscores Urgent need to ramp up Drawdown Solutions this week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a sobering report sharing the latest knowledge on climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. In the report’s own words, “The science is clear. Any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future.”  With severe impacts already underway, it’s critical we work NOW to minimize future harm and avoid change that exceeds our ability to adapt. What to do? Take a look at Project Drawdown’s 80-plus climate solutions; identify which you can […]

Join us in demanding NO NEW PRISONS

Does Arkansas need more prison beds?Join us in demanding NO NEW PRISONSPlease sign this petition to Governor Hutchinson!   Governor Hutchinson announced an expansion of 498 beds to the Calico Rock North Central unit as a response to the backup of state sentenced Arkansans being housed in county jails across the state. The project is slated to cost between $60 and $100 million and is made possible by the state’s billion-dollar surplus pending approval from the legislature   There’s more at the link. Here’s a hint of what could happen instead of more prisoners: Arkansas’ punitive approach ignores data-backed solutions that […]

Holding Our Breath for Ukraine

this photo is from some other war on Ukraine. Not this one. It illustrates something that world leaders forget. And we all forget in the safety of our relatively calm neighborhoods. Look at the young boy’s face as he watches the digging. This was a father an uncle a brother a friend that has gone from his life now but who was part of him. Who has now returned to the Earth in some very sad way. I wonder if the boy watched them die? Every death is very personal. Every death means something terrible for a family someplace.Light a […]

Climate Cafe’ Invites You

Tuesday Mar 1 – 6:30-8:00 pm on Zoom This is an invitation to The Resilient Activist’s Inaugural Climate Café  Register at the link to receive access to the Cafe’. This is your best opportunity to connect with a community that gets you, with folks who are experiencing many of the emotions that climate change has brought out in your heart and mind.   There is nothing for you to commit to except to gather your favorite beverage, a journal, find a comfortable spot with your Zoom window open, and just be you.   Each session will include facilitators from The Resilient Activist as well as […]

Vanguard’s Very Big Climate Problem

Sunday Mar 6 – 1:30 pm on zoom In partnership with an international coalition, Earth Quaker Action Team is taking on one of the largest investors in climate destruction. Come hear why they think this is an effective strategy for change, why nonviolent direct action is part of their approach, and what they are asking Vanguard customers to do. (It may not be what you expect.) Eileen Flanagan is the Interim Campaign Director and former board clerk of Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT, pronounced “equate”). Ahead of the 2020 election, she served as Trainings Coordinator of Choose Democracy, which trained nearly 10,000 people in nonviolent strategies […]

Open Mic for Peace – In person again!

Sunday Mar 6 2022 – 7:00 pm(emergency-only Zoom link below) Open Mic returns in-person Hoping March will smile on us! Here’s a link to the emergency-only Zoom Open mic session on Mar. 6. But it’ll be better to come to Omni and enjoy the company of your people! It’ll be wonderful to see your faces and hear your voices, good friends! 7:00 pm at Omni Meeting ID: 882 5812 3344 Passcode: 703547