Current Events

Was COP27 A Failure?

In Sharm Al Sheik Egypt A short run-down of the results of COP 27. It was not a raging success, but a few positive things came from it. A note on the role the US plays in these meetings… the primary goal of many protesters was a fund for loss and damage. That was accomplished when Biden withdrew resistance to the fund. It’s never China. What a ruse. Covering Climate Now on COP 27…

The Election: What, Why, and What’s Next

Webinar: Monday, November 14th 3 p.m. ET/2 p.m. CT/1 p.m. MT/12 p.m. PT Analysis and reflection from a human needs perspective Register here The Coalition on Human Needs will hold a special post-election webinar to lay out what we believe human needs advocates should know about the next Congress and strategies we need to protect the policies and programs that people with low incomes need. No matter the outcome of the election, there will be a critical role for advocacy at the Federal level. Join us to learn more about the likely Congres-sional lay-of-the-land, get important opportunities for action in […]

Managing Post-Election Anxiety

A helpful article from Yes! Magazine Nationally the election went reasonably well. In Arkansas and Washington County we’re contending with a different elephant. Our political situation became more complex on several levels. As progressives in a red state we sit in the middle of a target anyway. This election reminded us that we have a lot of conservative neighbors. With opinions. Now we know how far we have to go to say we’re communicating with them. For some of us there may be opportunities to bridge these gaps that need to be addressed. That may seem like less than a […]

Bread and Puppets The Apocalypse Defiance Circus!

Saturday Nov 19 3:30 pm Gulley Park Rain location: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 2925 N. Old Missouri Rd. Fayetteville Yes the puppet circus is coming! More details will come. Keep touch though the Facebook event right here Bread and Puppets – Apocalypse Defiance Circus THANK YOU good Omni folks who already volunteered your extra bedrooms for Bread and Puppets! More details below on the plans for the event and the need for hospitality. 1) MAIN NEED 30 beds are needed. Wow. We need more beds! They don’t need to be fancy. Most folks are happy to sleep on a dry […]

Resilient Activism Workshop for Environmental Leaders

Registration Closing Register by Monday Nov 14 Resilient Activism Workshop for Environmental Leaders Sami Aaron, facilitator Four Steps for a Resilient Life Workshop Only 9 spots remain! Environmental activism is hard work. Sometimes, too hard.  Learning to care for yourself is an essential skill for resilient activism.  Turn Despair into Determination Anger into Action Activism into Self-Care In this retreat, environmental leaders and activists will learn how to be more personally resilient in these challenging times.  Space is limited – get your ticket NOW!   Registration deadline: Monday, November 14.   Read More & Register at this link  $20 or Pay What You Can This all-day retreat for environmental activists […]

Winter Concert “On Humor”

Walter Schmidt Winter Concert “On Humor” Friday Dec 2 – 7:00 pm – Omni Center As the deep darks of winter settle in, gather with some friends for a celebration of Humor. Music, poetry, jokes and general joy will be on the program. $15 door donation will go to MayDay Community Kitchen, still feeding cold hungry people after two years. Here’s a meal customer sharing a song with Alex in the park just a few weeks ago.. Get tickets by emailing Walter at

COP 27 is happening now!

In Sharm Al Sheik Egypt This is another form of circus. This years COP seems to have a different feel though. The stakes are high and visible every time there’s a new storm or other catastrophe happens. See what you think with this tool: Here’s an amazingly informative portal to COP 27 for those of us at home sneering that they won’t accomplish much. It includes pages for citizen input that need to be taken advantage of!­­