Current Events

Coralie Koonce Book Signing

Sat September 30 – 10:00-11:30 am – Fayetteville Public Library The notorious local author Coralie Koonce invites you to join her! I’m going to do a Book Reading with my newly published memoirs SOUP TO NUTS on Saturday, September 30 in the Zeigler Room at the Fayetteville Public Library (the new building). It’ll be so fun. All are invited!

That Quorum Court at it again

Beth Coger’s drive to save the rule of law in Washington County Our Quorum Court is problematic in so many ways. Right now we can only roll our eyes at it. But that’s just not enough. The Q Court and parts of Washington County government have real authority over our lives, and they’re not doing a good job of exercising it. Their bungling and manipulation of money were disastrous during covid. The same dynamic is still playing out in other ways. The county attorney, Brian Lester, has demonstrated a lot of incompetence over the years with no accountability. That may […]

Omni Vegan Potluck is back!

Sunday Sept 17 – 6:00-8:00 pm – Omni Center Organized by Chip Balew Hi all! Come join us for a delicious dinner as we reunite after the summer break. I look forward to seeing friends there, catching up and meeting more members. If you’re new to the group, or haven’t been in a long while come on out!! We’re hoping to start having regular meetups again, if there’s enough interest. We had a good turnout/time at our Earth Day Potluck, so let’s keep it going! It’s SO nice to have these and connect with like minded/hearted folks. Please bring a […]

Holistically Green Living & Green Homes

Combat climate change while creating monthly savings, tax credits and tax-free savings month after month. Holistically green living utilizes efficient, affordable and renewable energy solutions. A holistically green home is not only a healthier environment to live in, but it is also a smart financial investment. Orlo Stitt and Michele Halsell will share their knowledge of holistic green living for combatting climate change, and show homeowners how to create savings every month. W. Orlo Stitt, President of The Stitt Group, is an NAHB Certified Green Professional. He has led seminars on energy efficiency across the country, and has won numerous […]

Who is the Ward 1 city council candidate? Here’s an intro to both of ‘em.

To Anybody in Ward 1, I’d like to encourage you to put the NOVEMBER 14 SPECIAL ELECTION on your calendar. I’m not telling you who to vote for, but one candidate stands out since he’s the spouse of our fine Quorum Court Justice of the Peace for District 12 Evelyn Rios Stafford, and that says something good about him. He has a platform that touches strongly on things we’ve identified as important to us. He’s not well known though, so he’s going to need every vote he can get. The other candidate is unknown to me. He doesn’t mention issues we talk […]

Scarecrow Showdown

October 1 @ 9:00 AM – October 31 @ 7:00 pm Botanical Gardens Football games… carving pumpkins… hayrides… the “Scarecrow Showdown!” The Botanical Garden of the Ozarks is introducing this brand-new tradition to the Autumn season. The Scarecrow Showdown is a temporary art installation & competition, from October 1 to October 31, showcasing handcrafted scarecrows created by the Northwest Arkansas community.  The best part is… anyone can join in! Individuals, families, artists, schools, organizations, businesses, and more can register to partake in creating scarecrows that are unique, spectacular, spooky, and everything in between! $25 Amateur: individuals, families, schools, and non-profit […]

You are invited to a double-header concert!

Geoff and Leslie Oelsner, and Harmonia!We will celebrate, in words and music, the release of the printed versionof Geoff’s book, with photos by Leslie: Attunements for the Earth When: Tues. Sept. 19th, 7-8:30 pm(Rain date: Thurs. Sept. 21st)Where: Mt. Sequoyah, at Vesper Point (seating provided) Admission is free, and all proceeds from the sale of books and CDs will go to the Wild Foundation ( which focuses onconserving and protecting wilderness around the world. Feel free to come at 6:45, and to bring insect repellent in case of mosquitoes.We hope to see you there! If you need more information,please reply […]