Current Events

Walk Out For Palestine

Thursday May 16 – 8:30 am Walk from Fayetteville High School to the Walton Arts Center Fayetteville High students are requesting the support of our community for their Walk Out for Palestine. From their Instagram post: This walk is to spread awareness for Palestine. Palestinians are currently facing a genocide against them. Photos of torture camps with Palestinians in them have been leaked. On 5/16/24 we will meet outside during the pledge 2nd Hour (8:30 am). We will walk to the Walton Arts Center and return for Advisory. Please spread this. If you cannot attend please share it so those […]

UKRAINE WAR #32, May 5, 2024

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology What’s at stake:  We are a part of the US Peace Movement.  I described 1,200 organizations in Peace Movement Directory (2001), and the spirit continues inside the US Warfare State, as Code Pink and World Beyond War demonstrate.  Our own OMNI, mainly on the local level likewise comprehensive, ranges from feeding people to opposing war and climate change.  (Btw, Medea Benjamin has visited us twice.)  Join Code Pink, Join World Beyond War.  Join OMNI.  They need your support to be even better.   There’s no time to play or pretend temperature is […]

Article by Joanna Person-Michener

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Fayetteville- … UUers deeply value the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, ,which is our 7th principle. This principle calls us to environmental appreciation, stewardship and protection. Aptly this Sunday Doug Krueger will speak to us on how Every Day is Earth Day, which is a sentiment with which I’m sure most of us agree. Even so, Earth Day is traditionally celebrated on April 22nd, which first began in 1970 and is now the largest civic event world-wide, with over 1 billion people participating across more than 193 nations annually! Likewise, to […]

Kelly Holst Memorial

MAY 4, 2024 at 7PM OMNI CENTER 3272 N. Lee Ave Steve Holst and Burnetta Hinterthuer invite Omni friends to share memories of Steve’s mother, Kelly at her musical memorial service. You’ll remember her from Open Mic and many other Omni events during the years she lived with Steve and Bur in Fayetteville. Come and share this time with her family to remember what she meant to us all. She was a remarkable woman who lived a full life for 95 years. It will be an Open Mic format. Songs, poems, stories and memories are all welcome. If you have […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology Move to Amend  4-15-24         We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.       – Leona Helmsley, billionaire real estate tax dodger Source: Ralph Nader images Happy Tax Day! Only kidding. The very rich and corporations try harder and are more effective in general in avoiding paying taxes than the rest of us. Here are a few numbers reflecting current tax priorities, legislative responses to promote tax fairness and economic and political equality, and how we, “the little people,” can become more active in promoting […]