Current Events

Buffalo River follow-up From the Ozark Society

Arkansas Senate Bill 84 to allow industrial swine CAFOs in the Buffalo River watershed, came before the Senate Agriculture Committee again today.  SB84 was placed in a status of “deferred,” meaning it is removed from the agenda unless the sponsor asks to have it added back by 3:00 PM the day previous to their next meeting.  However, the committee by two thirds vote, can also vote to hear it at any time when they meet. The Governor is said to oppose this bill, as it is not supportive of her “outdoor economic initiative.” We certainly agree. There are rumors that the bill might be […]

Environmental & Outdoor Education Conference

Connecting Health and Nature: Building a Sustainable Future Arkansas Tech University, Russellville March 7 & Saturday March 8, 2025 Registration is open for Arkansas Environmental Education Association’s Environmental and Outdoor Education Conference. The conference is a professional learning event that brings together classroom teachers, non-formal educators, higher education students, Master Naturalists, and conservation professionals from around the state. This year’s theme,Connecting Health and Nature: Building a Sustainable Future, features hands-on workshops, field tours, concurrent presentations, and exhibitors. The 2025 conference keynote speaker is Dr. Crystal Green-Braswell. As the Coordinator of Staff Wellness and Culture for Little Rock School District she […]

Housing Crisis Task Force

Meets Weds Feb 19 – 5:30 pm City Hall Room 326 People on this Task Force care about Fayetteville people who are losing their housing, but they need to hear from YOU friends! To come and silently observe can move mountains. For more information email Gladys at

The Peace of Wild Things

To hold in the heart When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett Doomsday Clock 89 Seconds to Midnight.NUKEWATCH QUARTERLY (Winter 2024-25). New Corporate-Military-Congressional Warmaking Paradigm.UN-USA, UN Today (Nov. 2024): what we can expect for UN from Trump II.  WHO’S WARNING US?     The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has made its annual Doomsday Clock announcement. It’s now set at 89 seconds to midnight — the closest its ever been to catastrophe. Read the 2025 statement >     For those who want to raise awareness around the announcement and help decrease existential threats, the Bulletin has also created a social media toolkit. Access the toolkit > NUKEWATCH QUARTERLY (Winter 2024-25)     This number contains 20 articles, eleven […]

January 23 update on the Tiffany property

Gladys Tiffany, Director Omni Center for Peace Justice & Ecology It’s been quieter lately. The renters are scattered and still struggling to find their place out there in the monitized world. The couple with health problems has found a permanent apartment in Elkins and needed another $100 to cover it. Thanks to you Omni folks and friends it was available. The veteran is more or less settled in an apartment, and the two who are still staying with him are negotiating with his landlord to get another apartment that’s supposed to come open in February. That should be permanent. The […]