
Fayetteville Climate Strike2 !

Friday Nov 29 – 11:00 am-1:00 pm – Courthouse Dickson & CollegeRight after Thanksgiving – more fun than Black Friday! Fridays for Future and Omni invite you to stand up for the planet at the next global climate strike. Bring posters and meet others who share your passion. We have many posters to share so bring your body and choose your favorite theme.

Zero Waste!

Zero Waste! Isn’t Climate Change More Urgent Than Reducing My Garbage? I recently saw this picture of the Climate Change tidal wave looming over seemingly smaller issues. It seems futile to focus our time on anything other than climate change. But the truth is that these issues are almost all connected. Maybe reducing household waste can seem like a frivolous waste of time. But in fact, some of the most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions happen to be directly related to waste and our consumption patterns. 42% of US greenhouse gasses are from producing, processing, transporting and disposing of […]

Earth Strike Fayetteville

Friday Sept 27 – noon-3:30 pm In coordination with the global Earth Strike organized by and many other climate action groups, including Greta Thunburg’s youth group. A great program of performers has already agreed to participate, and this will be an alternative for Fayettevillians who want a different option than Bikes Blues & BBQ (which is the same weekend). (Farmers Market folks tell us BBBBQ people don’t frequent the Square). More information will be coming soon, so put this on your calendar. Here’s what’s on the schedule now: BICYCLE RALLY & PEOPLE’S MARCH featuring GIANT PUPPETS, Parachutes for the […]

Arkansas Climate Accord

After the conference stay for the Arkansas Climate Accord Sat April 27 – 4:30-8:00 pm – Good Shepherd Lutheran Hosted by Arkansas Citizens Climate League Be a part of the movement towards climate change solutions! Event is FREE – Donations cherished ALL are invited to participate in the Arkansas Climate Accord 2.0 – Bridges to Climate Solutions. Citizens Climate League will celebrate accomplishments, showcase our work,and raise some funds to send people to Washington DC to advocate for the only truly effective solution to climate change now on the table.

Drawdown Conference

Drawdown Conference Saturday April 27 – 8:30 am-4:00 pm – Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Drawdown is a pragmatic, positive, solutions-based approach to dealing with climate change in local communities. It’s based on the best-selling book of solutions edited by Paul Hawken. The Green Building Council is sponsoring this powerful event and wants you to hear the good news.

“The Future is Calling Us To Greatness”

Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow “The Future is Calling Us To Greatness” Science and religion in the time of climate change no longer have the luxury of enemyhood. Dowd and Barlow have a totally fresh take on how to step forward from the quagmire we’re trapped in to a new vision of our full humanity. Two events: Sunday April 14 – 11:00 pm – Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 901 W. Cleveland, Fayetteville Title TBA Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow speak for the UU Sunday service Monday April 15 – 6:00 pm – UU Fellowship 901 W. Cleveland The Future is Calling […]

Citizens Climate League

Next meeting == Weds Nov 14 – 7:00 pm – OMNI Center Halloween Costume Challenge Are you haunted by climate change? Do rising sea levels and superstorms frighten you? Support the Arkansas Citizens Climate League’s Costume Challenge October 28-Nov10 Imagine Trick or Treat 2018. The heroes and horrors of coming climate change. Put on your best global warming attire, and take a picture of yourself in costume. You can enter the online Climate Change Costume Contest Challenge! Enter as a climate “Trick” – like a refugee from a submerged city, or a climate “Treat” – a wind turbine, an endangered […]