Climate Memo Mondays


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #150, OCTOBER 23, 2023 ( Tom Engelhardt.  Warming and Wars Converging.Gerardo Ceballos and Paul Ehrlich.  Extinguishing Not Only Species but Genera.Dick Bennett.  What Did We Know and What Did We Do by 2010?Erica Jung and Güney Işıkara .  “Degrowth and Ecosocialist Revolution.”  “Are We the Dinosaurs of the 21st Century?   And How Our Wars Distract Us.”  By Tom Engelhardt,  October 19, 2023.[This is one of the best summaries I have read of our predicament, as warming and wars converge upon us.  Here is Engelhardt’s conclusion.  –D]. . .…. . ..Or rather, […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #149, OCTOBER 16, 2023 Militarism, War, and Climate Change; Dick’s Review of The Green Zone.  Canary Worker’s Coop.New “countdown clock” project. WAR AND CLIMATE CHANGE: The Military Bridge from Holocene to Anthropocene [An earlier version was presented by KPSQ in Dick’s series entitled “War v. Environment.”  Its main source was Barry Sanders, The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism (2009).  Sanders fourteen years ago was extraordinarily prescient.]        The Holocene epoch of stable climate, that allowed our civilization, has ended.   Because of the extraordinary human buildup of population, consumption in affluent countries, capitalism/economic growth, wars, CO2/greenhouse gases, warming/weather instability, deforestation, acidification of […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #148, OCTOBER 9, 2023 A Retrospective Assessment of The Limits of Growth. Population Connection: Stablilizing Population Growth.Adam McKay v. Fossil Fuel-funded Misinformation. RESISTING THE SOURCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE A Retrospective Assessment of The Limits of Growth. Monthly Review Vol. 74, No. 5 (October 2022) “Notes from the Editors, October 2022” by The Editors. This year is the fiftieth anniversary of one of the most influential, and also controversial, environmental studies ever written: The Club of Rome’s report, The Limits to Growth (New York: Universe, 1972) by Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jørgen Randers, and William W. Behrens III. No other environmental work of the 1970s offered […]


Dick Bennett Al Gore. The Climate Reality Project.Thomas Kostigen.  Extreme Weather Survival Guide.  May 14, 2023“Mothers on Six Continents Demand Action to Protect Children From Climate Crisis.”“If we don’t act now, it will be too late,” one mom warned. “I could not live with myself, as a mother, as a doctor, and as a human being, if we didn’t do all we can to try and bring about the much-needed systemic change.”  I continue to sift through boxes of books after a water pipe froze and broke last Dec.   Which of the books or folders are still worth reading? The Climate […]


 OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #146, SEPTEMBER 25, 2023 ( Geoff and Leslie Oelsner.  Attunements for the Earth. Ed Rampell. Film Necessity, or a Choice of Evils.Urban Ramblings.  Reject the Military Carbon Bootprint. RESISTANCE TO THE WARMMAKERS Geoff and Leslie Oelsner.  Attunements for the Earth. Dear OMNI Friends, Our planetary climate crisis calls for all possible creative responses. It calls us to turn and tap into the catalyzing intelligence of Nature. Leslie’s and my new book is titled Attunements for the Earth. It includes Leslie’s photographs and my writings. It’s part of our turning, part of our […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #145, SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 Jake Johnson.  US “The ‘Planet-Wrecker in Chief’.”Cristen Hemingway Jaynes.  Six Of Nine Planetary Boundaries Have Now Been Exceeded. Fossil fuel expansion in the U.S. Jake Johnson.  “The ‘Planet-Wrecker in Chief’.”  Consortium News (9-13-23).  Planned fossil fuel expansion in the U.S. accounts for more than a third of new oil and gas extraction projects through 2050, according to Oil Change International.  Read here…   Common Dreams The United States was called “planet-wrecker-in-chief” by a report released Tuesday that points out the nation’s plans for a massive expansion of oil and gas production over the next two and a half decades even as it […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett.OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter (  Veterans for Peace Jake Bittle. The Great Displacement.  Bittle has been writing and fact-checking for Popular Science since 2018. Kirkpatrick Sale.   “The Dangerous Contrivance of ‘Climate Change.’”  Sale has written prolifically about political decentralism, environmentalism, luddism and technology.  David Suzuki..   “There’s Still Time to Avoid Climate Catastrophe.”     Suzuki is a science broadcaster, and environmental activist with a PhD in zoology from the University of Chicago. GROWING RECOGNICATION OF DANGEROUS CONVERGENCE OF THE TWO EXISTENTIAL THREATS TO CIVILIZATION AND PLANET:  NUCLEAR WAR AND GLOBAL WARMING VETERANS FOR PEACE 2023 Convention opened with a panel on the Climate Crisis and Militarism Jake Bittle. The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #143, SEPTEMBER 4, 2023 ( Art Hobson.  “Ending the nuclear weapons threat: USA and others must support U.N. treaty.”The Shalom Center.  “Maui Wildfires: Elite Origins, Grassroots Response.”Jim Hightower.   “People and the Planet Win Big Victory Over Big Oil!”  GLOBAL WARMING AND NUCLEAR WEAPONSArt Hobson.  “Ending the nuclear weapons threat: USA and others must support U.N. treaty.  NWADG 22 August 2023.” . . . The bad news is that, along with global warming, The Bomb is an existential threat to civilization.  The good news is that the chances of real action on […]