Climate Memo Mondays

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #162, JANUARY 22, 2024 Dick Bennett, Compiler. “Climate Change in Nebraska.” John Berger.  Solving the Climate Crisis. “Climate Change in Nebraska.”  College of Journalism and Mass Communications (ad in IRE Journal, 3rd Quarter 2022).  Digital depth report on the impacts of and potential solutions for climate change in Nebraska, won Hearst Journalism Awards and Society for Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence Awards. John J. Berger.  Look Inside Solving the Climate Crisis: Frontline Reports from the Race to Save the Earth.  Seven Stories P, October, 2023.  509pp.       A glance at the Index reveals surprising gaps, for examples: Bill McKibben, Paul Hawken not here.  No mention […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #161, JANUARY 15, 2024 Jeremy Brecher.  Ending Fossil Fuels.ADG.  Russophobia, Germany, and Coal.Brooke Staggs.  Evangelicals v. Climate Change.Tupy and Pooley. Negative Review of New Book on Population Growth., Superabundance, Ending Fossil Fuels Industry.Jeremy Brecher.  Against Doom: A Climate Insurgency Manual. “…lays out key elements of a far-reaching global-scaled, pragmatic, people-powered strategy to topple the power of the fossil fuel industry and the institutions behind it.”  David Solnit. Politics of National Rivalry: Russophobia, War, Fossil Fuels.Loveday Morris and Vanessa Guinan-Bank.  “Germany Seeing Return to Coal.”  Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (8-7-22).    [ It’s politics.]:  “It’s part of a pan-European dash to ditch Russian natural gas and escape President […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #160, JANUARY 8, 2024 Compiled by Dick Bennett. My apologies for missing 2 Memos because of an operation, but I am much recovered; thanks for your continued work FOR peace and democracy and AGAINST climate change, all connected. Union of Concerned ScientistsCode PinkPublic Citizen Choose your organizations to support and go with them heart and purse.   Here are some good choices (of course I assume you are already a member of OMNI!). Union of Concerned Scientists.   “Match for Science: Help us prepare for the hottest years ahead.”   12-28-23.  Dear Dick,  You may have seen my message yesterday announcing that we are closing in […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett. Thom Hartmann.  Move to Amend.John J. Berger.  (book) Look Inside Solving the Climate Crisis. MOVE TO AMEND: End Corporate Rule, Legalize DemocracyDick —Hi, I’m Thom Hartmann,  author and progressive political commentator. Many of you know me from my nationally syndicated radio show, the Thom Hartmann Program.  I’m also a long time supporter of Move to Amend!  Please join with me in supporting their work to pass a Constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood and get big money out of politics. (Our civilization and most of our species are imperiled by our nuclear armed wars and by […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #157, DECEMBER 18, 2023 Wen Stephenson.  “’”While this everywhere crying.”  The Nation (12.11-18.2023).As a former literature instructor and faculty member in a College of Arts and Sciences, I think of all A&S colleges as potential centers for resistance to nuclear wars and warming.   Except for the Green New Deal movement, we have been so preoccupied with the deniers and greedy and indifferent or oblivious , the willfully ignorant and cynical, we haven’t begun to pay the urgent, absorbing attention to the quality of the transition needed against the chaos ahead with business as usual, its beginnings already forced upon us.    Our colleges of […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #156, DECEMBER 4, 2023 Doing What’s Within Our Power Where We Are to REDUCE REDUCING POPULATION GROWTH, Making Our Families SMALL,Milton Saier, Jr.  “Save the Earth; [If You Already Have a Child] Don’t Give Birth.”  Free Inquiry (April/May 2023).  The article concludes:  “The human population now exceeds eight billion and is expected to reach ten billion in thirty years.”  [This statement is supported by a citation from the UN, footnote #11. ] “This fact alone guarantees suffering and premature death over much of the globe, not just for a few but for billions of people. . . .It seems that only with a […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett. Continued: What’s stopping USA from reversing rising temperature, or at least from slowing it down? People who whitewash and delay consensus and public education of the UN IPCC Reports by recommending additional study of the Assessments.     Example: Steven Koonin.  Unsettled? What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters.  BenBella, 2021.  IPCC Assessments report the conclusions of thousands of scientists in peer reviewed publications; these conclusions are then reviewed by governments and corporations, which can alter the Assessment reports in “Summaries.”   Koonin admits that “the IPCC’s ‘Summaries for Policymakers’ are heavily influenced, […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #155, NOVEMBER 27, 2023 What’s stopping USA from reversing rising temperature, or at least from slowing it down?  (A frequent subject in CMM.) Fossil Fuel IndustryPolitics of War, “Cold” and Hot.Religion: US Evangelicals.Overpopulation and still growing. What should each of us do to become an insurgency? Fossil Fuel IndustryJeremy Brecher.  Against Doom: A Climate Insurgency Manual. “…lays out key elements of a far-reaching global-scaled, pragmatic, people-powered strategy to topple the power of the fossil fuel industry and the institutions behind it.”  David Solnit. Politics of National Rivalry, Russophobia, War.Loveday Morris and Vanessa Guinan-Bank.  “Germany Seeing Return to Coal.”  Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (8-7-22).    [ It’s politics]:  […]