Climate Memo Mondays

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #102, NOVEMBER 21, 2022 INTERPRET THE WORLD AND CHANGE IT What can I do as an individual to slow down the climate calamity?  Union of Concerned Scientists: Science in Action.David Camfield. Future on Fire:  Ecosocialism.United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). “Climate Change: The bad news is, it’s us. The good news is, it’s us.”  Union of Concerned Scientists, 11-15-22.     We Can Build the Climate Future We Need         Dear Dick,Reading the news, it’s all too easy to slip into a sense of doom and despair, but that’s just what fossil fuel companies, their allies in Congress, and others who […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #100, NOVEMBER 7, 2022 AccountabilityJeff Sparrow. Crimes Against Nature.Jeffrey Sachs.  Inflation Reduction Act: Manchin,  Sinema, and Tea Party     Republicans.   (Contrast Bernie’s and Elizabeth’s proposals.)Sue Ann Martinson.   “Ignoring How Militarism Fuels Climate Change Will Be the Death of Us.”Climate Accountability Institute Percentage of U.S. voters who view climate change as the most important problem facing the country: 1.   Harper’s Index.  The light of OMNI’s CMM that could dispel our climate ignorance that will destroy us is free.   Feel free to forward it to all your acquaintances and lists. ACCOUNTABILITYJeff Sparrow.   Crimes Against Nature: Capitalism and Global Heating. Scribe, 2021.      Sparrow ends his book with a […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #99, OCTOBER 31, 2022 Population Growth: 8 billion in NovemberThe Limits of GrowthMark Hertsgaard.  Biden’s Climate Bill.Dick.  The Importance of Time. Jack St George. Trillion Trees Over-PopulationPopulation Connection | Join a Discussion with our Communications Team!   1-28-22 Engage 1-28-22       Hi James R., The global population is racing towards 8 billion—a milestone we’re due to reach next month.  Since the UN released its World Population Prospects over the summer, our Communications staff have been hard at work reporting on the latest projections….We invite you to join a discussion with them to learn more about key takeaways from the UN’s latest population projections, which […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #97, OCTOBER 17, 2022    Bob Stern.  Earth First! Journal.Craig Calhoun and Benjamin Y. Fong, eds. The Green New Deal and the Future of Work.David Gelles.  Patagonia’s Stockholder is the Earth. Bob Stern.  Earth First! Journal, 40th Anniversary Edition.  Fifth Estate # 410, Fall, 2021. Wow! I thought, look at all that color! Can it really be the Earth First! Journal? They pulled out all the stops creating this collage of Earth First! art, poetry, history and personal reminiscences of radical eco-warriors over the past 40 years!    (Continued) Craig Calhoun and Benjamin Y. Fong, eds. The Green New Deal and the Future of Work.  Columbia […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #95, OCTOBER 3, 2022 November 15 Earth’s Population reaches 8 billion.Marcy Franck.  An Optimist’s Embrace of The Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act.President of Marshall Islands Calls for Total War on CC MARK YOUR CALENDAR: NOVEMBER 15I have reduced my study of the converging calamities mainly to war and warming, but overpopulation is never far from mind through membership in Population Connection:  “Population Connection is the national grassroots population organization that educates young people and advocates progressive action to stabilize world population at a level that can be sustained by earth’s resources.”  Its Septermber 2022 number includes half a dozen items about the catastrophe of […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #94, SEPTEMBER 26, 2022. Henry Fountain.   “Climate ‘tipping points’ weighed.”W. T. Whitney, Jr..  “Climate change has long prompted migration, now it may drive anti-capitalist consciousness, too.”Editors of the Monthly Review.  What should be the name of the latest epoch and age? Henry Fountain.   “Climate ‘tipping points’ weighed” (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette), Sept. 10, 2022.  Climate ‘tipping points’ weighed.   Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Sep 10, 2022.   Thresh­old for cat­a­clysmic events among find­ings in study.     Read more…      Forwarded by Pat Snyder. Failure to limit global warming to the targets set by international accords will most likely set off several climate “tipping points,” a team of scientists said Thursday, with […]

91.  CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #91, SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 Blakeley.  “Turning the Earth into money w/ John Bellamy Foster.” Alberto Garzón Espinosa.  “The Limits to Growth: Ecosocialism or Barbarism.”Drew Costley and Matthew Brown.  “Study says carbon’s costs undercounted” Humans and Nature under Capitalism Grace Blakeley.  “Turning the Earth into money w/ John Bellamy Foster.” (posted May 12).  Grace talks to John Bellamy Foster, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon and editor of Monthly Review. They discuss Marx’s theory of nature and the relationship between humanity and nature under capitalism.   (For the interview, click the title.  See Sparrow, Crimes Against Nature.) WHEN DID WE KNOW? (that the […]

90.  CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #90, AUGUST 29, 2022 Bellamy Foster’s summary and review of IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report.Joanna Person-Michener.  “ Must act on cli­mate.” John Bellamy Foster.  “Be moderate…we only want THE EARTH!” (7-22-22). . . .In terms of the scientific consensus on climate change, the reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are most important. The planetary emergency is not, however, confined to climate change, and also encompasses the entire set of planetary boundaries that are now being crossed [CONVERGENCE], demarcating the earth as a safe home for humanity. Most of my comments here, though, will center on climate change. In […]