Climate Memo Mondays

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #106, December 19, 2022 UP SCIENCE Organizations Studying Climate Change (google search presented these 4 first, many more exist of course; the first two are distinguished UN science institutions,) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change… (IPCC)For example, The UN’s Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services – or IPBES (IPCC)- report said Friday that unless humankind improves the sustainable use of nature, the Earth is on its way to losing 12% of its wild tree species, over a thousand wild mammal species and almost 450 species of sharks and rays, among other irreparable harm. . . . World Meteorological Organization | A […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #105, December 12, 2022 RESISTANCE TO CLIMATE CATASTROPHEJeff Masters.  Rev. of Disasterology by Samantha Montano..João Pedro Stedile,   Global Disasters, Causes, and Solutions.Geoff and Leslie Oelsner.  Attunements for the Earth.Duncombe and Lambert. The Art of Activism. RESISTANCE TO CLIMATE CATASTROPHE Jeff Masters.   “Disasterology: Disasters from the Front Lines of  the Climate Crisis, by Samantha Montano, a book review.” POSTED IN EYE ON THE STORM, YALE Climate CONNECTIONS (nOV. 27, 2022). The U.S. emergency management and disaster response systems are desperately deficient, and cannot handle the onslaught of climate change-amplified disasters already besieging the nation. That’s the take-home message of Disasterology, the excellent 2021 book by […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #104, December 5, 2022 Military Spending, Climate Crisis, China and USA Jeremy Kuzmarov.“… Vast Military Spending… Greatly Accelerates Climate Crisis.” Michael Klare.  “What If the U.S. and China Really Cooperated on Climate Change?”    Jeremy Kuzmarov.“New Report Details How Vast Military Spending By the Richest Countries Greatly Accelerates Climate Crisis.”  CovertAction Magazine (Dec 05, 2022). So why do climate justice groups like support the war in Ukraine? While the world’s climate negotiators gathered for the COP27 summit in Egypt, a new report published by the Transnational Institute, a Dutch think tank, emphasizes how rising global military spending is a great threat to efforts to combat climate change. According to […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #103 NOVEMBER 28, 2022 Resisting and Adapting to Climate Calamity Tom Athanasiou. Bernie Sanders’ Green New Deal.Peter Friederici.  Beyond Climate Breakdown: Envisioning New Stories of Radical Hope.Robert Gottlieb.  Care-Centered Politics: From the Home to the Planet.  Bernie’s Green New Deal I am reviewing writings I had marked to return to.  One is “Bernie’s Secret Weapon: Only a Global Green New Deal Can Succeed” by Tom Athanasiou (The Nation, September 30, 2019).  The article is three years old, but even more relevant today, for crisis has become emergency, and the public remains apathetic. The “10-year, $16.3 trillion price tag” reflects the “hard scientific truth […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #102, NOVEMBER 21, 2022 INTERPRET THE WORLD AND CHANGE IT What can I do as an individual to slow down the climate calamity?  Union of Concerned Scientists: Science in Action.David Camfield. Future on Fire:  Ecosocialism.United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). “Climate Change: The bad news is, it’s us. The good news is, it’s us.”  Union of Concerned Scientists, 11-15-22.     We Can Build the Climate Future We Need         Dear Dick,Reading the news, it’s all too easy to slip into a sense of doom and despair, but that’s just what fossil fuel companies, their allies in Congress, and others who […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #100, NOVEMBER 7, 2022 AccountabilityJeff Sparrow. Crimes Against Nature.Jeffrey Sachs.  Inflation Reduction Act: Manchin,  Sinema, and Tea Party     Republicans.   (Contrast Bernie’s and Elizabeth’s proposals.)Sue Ann Martinson.   “Ignoring How Militarism Fuels Climate Change Will Be the Death of Us.”Climate Accountability Institute Percentage of U.S. voters who view climate change as the most important problem facing the country: 1.   Harper’s Index.  The light of OMNI’s CMM that could dispel our climate ignorance that will destroy us is free.   Feel free to forward it to all your acquaintances and lists. ACCOUNTABILITYJeff Sparrow.   Crimes Against Nature: Capitalism and Global Heating. Scribe, 2021.      Sparrow ends his book with a […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #99, OCTOBER 31, 2022 Population Growth: 8 billion in NovemberThe Limits of GrowthMark Hertsgaard.  Biden’s Climate Bill.Dick.  The Importance of Time. Jack St George. Trillion Trees Over-PopulationPopulation Connection | Join a Discussion with our Communications Team!   1-28-22 Engage 1-28-22       Hi James R., The global population is racing towards 8 billion—a milestone we’re due to reach next month.  Since the UN released its World Population Prospects over the summer, our Communications staff have been hard at work reporting on the latest projections….We invite you to join a discussion with them to learn more about key takeaways from the UN’s latest population projections, which […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #97, OCTOBER 17, 2022    Bob Stern.  Earth First! Journal.Craig Calhoun and Benjamin Y. Fong, eds. The Green New Deal and the Future of Work.David Gelles.  Patagonia’s Stockholder is the Earth. Bob Stern.  Earth First! Journal, 40th Anniversary Edition.  Fifth Estate # 410, Fall, 2021. Wow! I thought, look at all that color! Can it really be the Earth First! Journal? They pulled out all the stops creating this collage of Earth First! art, poetry, history and personal reminiscences of radical eco-warriors over the past 40 years!    (Continued) Craig Calhoun and Benjamin Y. Fong, eds. The Green New Deal and the Future of Work.  Columbia […]