Climate Memo Mondays

-OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #126, MAY 8, 2023 Scott Scheffer.   Coverage of extremely destructive weather in the Global South  is slanted, biased, and Eurocentric.Álvaro J. de Regil.   “The Unbearable Unawareness of Our Ecological Existential Crisis.”  Scott Scheffer.    “While Biden unleashes climate bomb in Alaska, Cyclone Freddy ravages eastern Africa.”  Editor. (4-22-23).  Originally published: Struggle-La Lucha  on April 13, 2023 by (more by Struggle-La Lucha)  |  (Posted Apr 21, 2023).  Climate Change, Environment, Imperialism, MediaAfrica, Americas, United StatesNewswireCyclone Freddy, President Joe Biden The U.S. corporate-controlled media are concealing the climate crisis’s severity and breadth. Coverage of extremely destructive weather is so slanted, biased, and Eurocentric that people in the United States and Europe may not […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #125, MAY 1, 2023    Bill McKibben.  Cities and States Can Sue Exxon     and other Malefactors.World Beyond War.  Costs of War: Carbon Footprint    Increasing, Climate Heating.Chris Hedges Interviews Roger Hallam, founder to    Extinction Rebellion (XR). A Victory for Democracy Over Greed and Power (and by a GOP-dominated Supreme Court) Bill McKibben.  “A seismic win went almost unnoticed amidst the Tuckerstorm.”  April 25, 2023.  High court lets cities and states sue Exxon et al. The Supreme Court…declined to grant cert in a case brought by oil companies desperately trying to hold off state court trials for their climate crimes. To make a long story […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #123, APRIL 17, 2023 Hunziker.  “Big Heat Hits Antarctica.”Richard Powers.     Bewilderment follows up his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Overstory.Crisis Articles from the Monthly Review.Kelly Mulhollan.  “The Great Unravelling.”The Shalom Report. BIG-TIME HEAT AND 200 FEET OF SEA LEVEL RISE  ROBERT HUNZIKER.  “Big Heat Hits Antarctica.”  Counterpunch (FEBRUARY 17, 2023).  FacebookTwitterRedditEmail   Excerpt. A recent report out of West Antarctica is rattling scientists. It’s all about heat, big-time heat, encroaching upon the world’s biggest chunk of ice that locks down a couple hundred feet of sea level rise. This kind of news is enough to raise the hackles of smart well-informed people, as excessive CO2 […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #121, APRIL 3, 2023 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Vishwas Satgar.  “End Ecocidal Capitalism or Exterminate Life on Planet Earth.”Brazilian Popular Movements.  “Measures to Defend Life on Planet Earth and Improve Living Conditions.”Jason Hickel. “The Global South has the power to force radical climate action.” Authoritarian Neoliberalism, Global Chaos Vishwas Satgar.  “End Ecocidal Capitalism or Exterminate Life on Planet Earth: A South African Contribution to Ecosocialist Strategy.” Vishwas Satgar.  MR (July 5, 2022).  The South African climate justice movement presents a model for popular revolt against the ecofascist project. | more… Vishwas Satgar       (Jul 01, 2022). Topics: Climate Change  Democracy  Ecology  Marxist   Ecology  Movements      Places: Africa  Global  South Africa Vishwas Satgar is an associate professor of international relations, […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #120, MARCH 27, 2023 SOLUTIONS TO THE EMERGENCY.UN’S GUTERRES, IPCC Truths. Climate Action NowADG Reports UN Reality Reports.Expanding Public AwarenessNew Weeklies on Climate from The New Republic and Citizens’ Climate      Lobby CCLBuilding Coalitions ALEC CONNON.  “Peoples’ Earth Week.”International StrategiesChristina Ergas.   “Surviving Collapse Through Social Transformation and Regeneration.” John Bellamy Foster.  “Ecology and the Future of History.”   UNITED NATIONS GUTERRES, CLIMATE ACTION NOW Demanding Swift Action, UN Chief Calls IPCC Report a ‘Survival Guide for Humanity’  Common Dreams (3-20-23). “We must move into warp-speed climate action now. We don’t have a moment to lose,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.  [For the complete message click on […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #119, MARCH 20, 2023 Eliza Relman. “Biden promised ‘no more drilling on federal lands, period.’”[Needed: How to reverse Biden’s decision.  How to make the Democratic Party an advocate for the planet.]SOLUTIONS TO THE EMERGENCYCommon Dreams.  Coalitions vs. Fossil Fuels and Big Money.Mark Dunlea. Putting Out the Planetary Fire: An Introduction to Climate Change and Advocacy. Eliza Relman. “Biden promised ‘no more drilling on federal lands, period.’ He just broke that pledge to approve a massive oil project in Alaska.”  Yahoo! News  Mon, March 13, 2023 at 3:12 PM CDT. “On Monday, the Biden administration officially approved one of the largest-ever drilling projects on federal land: the $8 […]

118.  CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #118, MARCH 13, 2023   Bernie Sanders v. US CapitalismXNA: Flying More AccessibleNew Books on Degrowth TEXTS Bernie Sanders: Anti-Union Capitalism Is Wrecking America The Nation › Article Feb 16, 2023 — Workers deserve a better deal than the unfettered capitalism that is destroying our health, our democracy, and our planet. Bernie Sanders spells out why capitalism is failing us – YouTube YouTube › watch .   US Senator Bernie Sanders sits down with PoliticsJOE, exposing the relationship between supermassive businesses and the American state. No Flying to Disney World from our XNA International Airport?!Nobody, especially parents, wants to be on the cutting edge of urgently needed change if they might be called a spoilsport […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #113, FEBRUARY 6, 2023 Rewildng Half the EarthGreenpeace PrioritiesPassover DivestmentSocial Media and Encyclopedia Scholarship  Half-Earth Socialism and the Path Beyond Capital Brian M. Napoletano.  Monthly Review  (February 3, 2023) The Half-Earth movement calls for rewildng half the earth as a means of combating the planetary crisis. Brian Napoletano explores the implications of the Half-Earth approach as outlined in Vettese and Pendergrass’s Half-Earth Socialism. | more… GREENPEACE Letting you in on our latest meeting            Ebony Twilley Martin, Greenpeace via 1-24-23 ) James –  I just got out of an important meeting about Greenpeace’s 2023 priorities. 2023 Strategy Planning — 01/20/2023 — Major priorities in the new year:Win international agreements to […]