Climate Memo Mondays

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #134, JULY 3, 2023 Help Awaken Arkansas’ Congressmen’s Climate Somnolence  Recently, Dina Nash (chair of UUFF’s Justice Committee) was in Washington, DC for an afternoon of lobbying with others from Citizens’ Climate Lobby. . . . I got to meet with Rep. Crawford’s and Rep. Womack’s staff, as well as Sen. Boozman’s and him for about 40 minutes each. There are 3 proposed climate measures we talked with them about, but responses were interested, but non-committal. We assume they are still waiting for the groundswell of panic at which time they might do something: please be that groundswell! They are not leading; it’s business as usual, […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #133, JUNE 26, 2023 Michael Mann.  “The Fragility of Truth in the Existential Climate Crisis.”Dick.   Detective Dramas, US Aggression, US Passivity. Denial of climate danger continues.Michael Mann.  “The Fragility of Truth in the Existential Climate Crisis.”   The Humanist (Summer 2023).   “…as I argued in my book The New Climate War, we appear now to be moving past outright denial of the basic science as the evidence becomes plain to the person on the street in the form of the unprecedented heat waves, droughts, wildfires, floods, and superstorms we are now witnessing. We still, however, face a multi-pronged strategy by polluters and their enablers in […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #132, JUNE 19, 2023 Jake Bittle.   The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration.  2023. The untold story of climate migration in the United States—the personal stories of those experiencing displacement, the portraits of communities being torn apart by disaster, and the implications for all of us as we confront a changing future. Even as climate change dominates the headlines, many of us still think about it in the future tense—we imagine that as global warming gets worse over the coming decades, millions of people will scatter around the world fleeing famine and rising seas. What we often don’t realize is […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #131, JUNE 12, 2023 ( ·       Tomgram.  “Jane Braxton Little, Climate Migrants .” ·       JANE BRAXTON LITTLE.     “Looking for Home in an Overheating World.” TOMGRAM   TOMDISPATCH “Jane Braxton Little, Climate Migrants in a Hell on Earth.” POSTED ON JUNE 4, 2023 Uh-oh, my city’s sinking. I’m not kidding! According to a new study, New York City, my hometown, is all too literally going down, thanks to those vertiginous towers, including the Empire State Building, constructed on land some of which was sandy and is now giving way. All those Manhattan skyscrapers and the like […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #130, JUNE 5, 2023 Thom Hartmann.  Nationalize the Fossil Fuels Industry.David Schwartzman.  China’s peace plan, ceasefire in the Ukraine war, negotiations.  Dick.  Rabbis: study leading to action. THOM HARTMANN.   “Will There Ever Be a Criminal Trial for the People Wilfully Destroying Life on Earth?”  Common Dreams.    May 29, 2023.[Hartmann makes a case for nationalizing the fossil fuels industry.   Here is the conclusion of his article. To read the entire article go to   Thanks to Fran for sending Hartmann’s excellent argument.  –Dick] Thomas M. Hanna, Director of Research at The Democracy Collaborative and author of Our Common Wealth: The Return of Public Ownership in the United States, […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #128, MAY 22, 2023 Population Connection Recommended Books. “Climate breakdown, extinction, and ‘the most stupid boast.’”  Media Lens.  Population Connection.  Submit Your Reading Pick for the Next Book Club.   Engage.  May 17, 2023.[All five of these books look highly worthwhile—from Attenborough’s autobiography, to protection of threatened species, to refugees, to a survival guide.   But I cite them especially to draw attention to Population Connection, which defends abortion AND vigorously advocates contraception, both in the context of climate change the variety of which is suggested by these 5 books. This is a comprehensive women’s and men’s organization you should know about.  –D] Last week […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #128, MAY 22, 2023 Population Connection Recommended Books. “Climate breakdown, extinction, and ‘the most stupid boast.’”  Media Lens.  Population Connection.  Submit Your Reading Pick for the Next Book Club.   Engage.  May 17, 2023.[All five of these books look highly worthwhile—from Attenborough’s autobiography, to protection of threatened species, to refugees, to a survival guide.   But I cite them especially to draw attention to Population Connection, which defends abortion AND vigorously advocates contraception, both in the context of climate change the variety of which is suggested by these 5 books. This is a comprehensive women’s and men’s organization you should know about.  –D] Last week […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #127, MAY 15, 2023 Pope Francis.  Laudato Si’, Praise Be To You FCNL.  Solving Complex Converging Problems. Art Hobson.  The Car Culture Is One of Those Problems. 17,000 Aukland Youth Strike.  “High Tide. Don’t Hide.” RESISTANCE TO CLIMATE CHANGEThe Letter: A Message for our Earth The Letter: A Message for our Earth is a 2022 documentary film presented by YouTube Originals, telling the story of the Laudato Si’ encyclical by Pope Francis. The film was produced by Oscar-winning Off the Fence Productions and directed by Nicolas Brown, in partnership with the Laudato Si’ Movement. Wikipedia.   Initial release: October 4, 2022 Laudato Si’ = Praise Be […]