Climate Memo Mondays

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #142, AUGUST 28, 2023 Earth Overshoot DayJeff Goodell.  The Heat Will Kill You FirstTED HAMILTON.   Beyond Fossil Law:  CLIMATE, COURTS, AND THE FIGHT FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. Earth Overshoot Day We busted Earth’s budget!     By the Numbers 2022 .  an VIEW 2022 HIGHLIGHTS Calculate your personal Overshoot Day Our mobile-friendly calculator is now available in eight languages. You can use it to measure your Ecological Footprint and determine your personal Earth Overshoot Day. The tool helps users learn about solutions so we can all tread more lightly on the Earth. CALCULATE NOW Earth Overshoot Day is an estimate, not an exact date.  . […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #141, AUGUST 21, 2023 ( Greta Thunberg.  The Climate Book.  Penguin, 2023.Hanson and Brown.  Government of and for Its Citizens. Matthew Gindin.  “What is metabolic rift?” Greta Thunberg.  The Climate Book.  Penguin, 2023.  I received this book a few days ago and quickly began to admire its “creation” (as the title-author page unusually declares: “Created by Greta Thunberg.”)  For her presence is essential throughout.   She opens her book with four jolting graphics showing the relationship between CO2 and global warming.   The Table of Contents numbers each of the essays and divides them […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #140, AUGUST 14, 2023 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS.  mONTHLY REVIEW.  June 2022 (Volume 74, Number 2) by The Editors (Jun 01, 2022) Topics: Capitalism  Climate Change  Ecology  Political Economy Places: Global [I discovered I had never forwarded this crucial explanation of the IPCC process of two reports for each of the six IPCC assessments—the scientific report produced by hundreds of scientists based upon thousands of published studies, and the redacted government/corporate final report.  If you had wondered why the final assessments had seemed to have understated their findings, you were reading the Ffnal, doctored document of each of the six assessments.  –Dick] Time is running out for the world to […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #139, AUGUST 7, 2023 ( KENNY STANCIL.  “Worsening Heatwaves Put Entire Global Food System in Jeopardy, Scientists Warn.”José Seoane.  “The eco collapse we were warned about has begun.” Ian Angus.  “Scientists choose site to mark the start of the Anthropocene.” KENNY STANCIL.  “Worsening Heatwaves Put Entire Global Food System in Jeopardy, Scientists Warn.”   Common Dreams (July 21, 2023). “There are growing risks of simultaneous major crop losses in different regions in the world,” said one scientist. “This is not what we’re seeing right now, but in the coming decades that’s one […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #138, JULY 31, 2023 RESISTANCESenator Jeff Merkley: Biden Must Stop New Fossil Fuel Projects.Jay Inslee.   “‘The Climate Change Bomb Has Gone Off.”   Marjory Cohn. “Youth Plaintiffs in Court Against Montana.”    Brett Wilkins.   “‘July Should Be a Wake-Up Call’:  Senator Says Biden Must Stop Approving New Fossil Fuel Projects.”   Common Dreams (7-30-23).  “We are in a climate emergency,” said Oregon Democrat Jeff Merkley. “We can’t take a piecemeal approach to the massive crisis we face.” CLIMATE CHANGE, COMMENTARY, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, LEGAL, U.S.   Jessica Corbett.  “‘The Climate Change Bomb Has Gone Off,’ Says Jay Inslee Amid Extreme Heat.” Common Dreams.  July 23, 2023  “What the scientific community is […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #137, JULY 24, 2023 RESISTANCE (5)Steve Dunn.  2007 Early Warning: “Minimizing Global Warming.” (Dick).Bernard Connaughton.  XR v. Citibank.Dick.  Population Connection.JAKE JOHNSON.  Greenpeace v. EU Planet-Warming Pollution.GELF.  New Book, Putting Out the Planetary Fire. Early Warnings of Climate Change  Steve Dunn.  “Driving Home: 4 Steps Toward Minimizing Global Warming and Achieving Energy Independence.”   The Humanist Sept.-Oct. 2007.    Recently I heard a participant of a climate panel complain about the rising temperature: “Why weren’t we warned?”  Well, scientist James Hansen warned Congress in 1988; the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) began its studies eventually calling upon thousands of scientists in 1990 resulting in […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #136, JULY 17, 2023 Hobson, Leaving FF in the Ground.Kenny Stancil.  Methane Leaks from Gas As Bad as Coal.Kendra Pierre-Louis.  Hollywood Avoids CC.Kyubin Kim.  CC? Change? Catastrophe? Chaos? “Global warming credibility gap.Will the promised goals be met?”Art Hobson,   NWADG, 11 July 2023.           Humankind has finally achieved the first goal required to prevent disastrous global warming:  Civilized people finally recognize this as a real threat caused by fossil fuels and deforestation.  Just as the cigarette industry knew the danger of their product but lied about it, the fossil fuel industry knew the dangers of global warming by 1980 and devoted the next […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #135, JULY 10, 2023 Terrifying Tuesday.Global Heat, Greenland ThreatMichael Mann’s New Book, Our Fragile Moment “’Terrifying’: Tuesday Was Hottest Day Ever, Breaking Record Set Just 24 Hours Earlier.”  July 5, 2023. Data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction shows that the average global temperature reached 17.01°C, or 62.62°F, on Monday—making it the hottest day ever recorded. The record lasted just 24 hours.   On Tuesday, the global average temperature peaked at a new all-time high of 17.18°C as regions worldwide—from Asia to Africa to the U.S. South—reeled from dangerous heatwaves.  READ THE FULL STORY  Climate change studies by the IPCC and policymakers show […]