
The Climate Moment

Stories from this unique moment on Earth …. What’s happening with the climate?! Global Warming Is Particularly Bad for Women-Led Families  A new report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization with data from 24 low- and middle-income countries, finds that women-led families suffer more from extreme heat than other families. While heat stress is costly for all rural households, it is significantly more costly for households headed by a woman. Female-headed households lose 8 percent more of their annual income compared to other households. While many women are farmers, fewer women own the land they farm. Women-headed households […]

Omni Center Climate Change Endowment AwardPeter S. Ungar, PhD

Distinguished Professor of AnthropologyDirector of Environmental Dynamics, University of Arkansas UAF, FULBRIGHT COLLEGE RESEARCH CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE ARCTICJune 27, 2024. CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Ungar! From Omni Founder Dick Bennett:UAF’s Dr. Peter S. Ungar, recently awarded Omni Center’s climate change fellowship, sent me an illustrated comic strip narrative of his and related research for K-12 kids. Here is the link, you’ll enjoy it. Among the hundred facts of the research I learned the word “ Fennoscandia” and gained a stronger identification with fellow herbivores– reindeer and lemmings et al.! Penny’s Adventures in the New Arctic

The Climate Moment

Stories from this unique moment on Earth …. What’s happening with the climate?! 2000 Elder Swiss women win human rights case against Swiss government’s failure to protect life by implementing adequate climate policies  The European Court of Human Rights has decided that Swiss authorities have violated the right to life of a group of elder women in Switzerland by not implementing sufficient climate change policies. “For the first time, an international tribunal recognizes that human rights include the right to climate protection,” said one activist. The European court’s ruling is binding and requires the Swiss to take greater action to […]

The Climate Moment

Stories from this unique moment on Earth …. What’s happening with the climate?! World breaches 1.5°C for an entire year for FIRST TIME ON RECORD For the first time on record, the average global temperature has exceeded 1.5 degree Celsius over a 12-month period, according to new data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). Last month was also the hottest January worldwide since C3S records began in 1950,

The Climate Moment

Stories from this unique moment on Earth ….  What’s happening with the climate?! Diane Shisk, Reevaluation Counseling leader, wrote: “The next few years are a critical time for action on the climate emergency. We all want to stay informed, stay hopeful, and stay active. To help with that, we’ve developed a resource: What’s Happening with the Climate? “ Check it out! It has updates on “The Good News” and “The Bad News,” with a short summary and a link to more information if you want to go deep. Great conversation starters, stories, and examples of actions people are taking in other places.”

The Climate Moment

Half of all global emissions come from the world’s richest 10% (which includes most of the middle class in the richer nations… that’s some of us)    The world’s richest 10% encompasses most of the middle classes in “developed” countries – anyone paid more than about $40,000 (£32,000) a year. The lavish lifestyles of the very rich – the 1% – attract attention. But the 10% are responsible for half of all global emissions, making them key to ending the climate crisis.   (The International Energy Agency data shows that the poorest 10% in the US still have a per capita footprint bigger than 90% […]

The Climate Moment

What’s happening around the world about climate? Selected moments from the collection of Reevaluation Counseling leader Russ Vernon-Jones and shared by local Omni member Dorothy Marcy In many nations the emissions of the top 10% exceed the emissions of the bottom 50% Data from the International Energy Agency (IEA) details the energy-related CO2 emissions per person in 2021 in a dozen major countries (including Japan, India, the U.S. , the UK, Russia, China, Mexico, and Brazil), plus the 27-nation EU. Within all these nations, the emissions of the top 10% are as high as those of at least the bottom 50%. In […]