Buffalo River

New Threat to the Buffalo!

Newly filed SB290, like the previous SB84, seeks to allow industrial swine CAFOs in the Buffalo River watershed.  SB290 achieves the same results as SB84, with a meaningless procedural twist.  Why introduce a new bill that does the same thing? They’re counting on one of the following. That… •   We won’t catch it. •   We won’t understand it. •   We will fail to act. •   We won’t respond fast enough.  We need your immediate help. SB290 is on the Senate Agricultural Committee agenda at 10:00 AM Thursday the 27th (this week). We have no time to lose.  Email the AG committee members listed at bottom.  Submit any of the following […]


They keep putting off the committee presentation. That means they are getting your messages. Please send a message again! Bill filed to derail state’s efforts to protect Buffalo River from hog farming We know you have received several messages from BRWA recently asking for your help in securing a permanent moratorium prohibiting any future swine CAFO permits in the Buffalo National River watershed. Now the legislature is considering a bill which would prohibit moratoriums statewide, including specifically the Buffalo River watershed. Senate Bill 84 is an obvious attempt at an end-run around current rule makings which would establish a permanent […]


Another Call To Action For The Buffalo River! Stay tune here. Bill filed to derail state’s efforts to protect Buffalo River from hog farming We know you have received several messages from BRWA recently asking for your help in securing a permanent moratorium prohibiting any future swine CAFO permits in the Buffalo National River watershed. Now the legislature is considering a bill which would prohibit moratoriums statewide, including specifically the Buffalo River watershed. Senate Bill 84 is an obvious attempt at an end-run around current rule makings which would establish a permanent moratorium in the BNR watershed. Vote will likely […]