Arkansas Senate Bill 84 to allow industrial swine CAFOs in the Buffalo River watershed, came before the Senate Agriculture Committee again today. SB84 was placed in a status of “deferred,” meaning it is removed from the agenda unless the sponsor asks to have it added back by 3:00 PM the day previous to their next meeting. However, the committee by two thirds vote, can also vote to hear it at any time when they meet.
The Governor is said to oppose this bill, as it is not supportive of her “outdoor economic initiative.” We certainly agree. There are rumors that the bill might be rewritten to allow the Buffalo moratorium to remain, but this is unlikely as it would codify the moratorium into law, something our opponents definitely do not want.
Whether SB84 will come back up is uncertain. If it does, and the Senate Agricultural Committee manages to pass it before we can react, it will still have to go to the Senate floor, the House Agricultural Committee, and then the House floor for a vote. We will immediately let members know if any of these situations arise.
Your voices were definitely heard on this! Thank you,
Brian Thompson, The Ozark Society