Black History Month

Black Action Collective Information and Events for 2021

Theme for 2021 Black History Month: Celebrating Humanity Through the Lens of Blackness: I am My Ancestor’s Dream

See NWA Calendar for several BHMo community events  

February 27, 7 pm Leading with Excellence Banquet is virtual. There is no charge to attend. Please save the date and watch for registration details by email.  Please note in the Leading with Excellence awards flyer that BBC is one of two allies being honored.

There are two ways to offer financial support:
1. Sponsorship Invitation: We are requesting your Individual and/or Organizational sponsorships to support the events of Black History Month. The contributions are tax-deductible, and donors will be listed on the Black Action Collective website as supporting our initiatives. Request is that sponsorship is made by February 17                 
or 2. Donation: With your support, BAC will be able to create a racial and cultural hub that connects resources, knowledge, energy, and power to uplift and consciously build a safe, vibrant, inclusive, and spacious environment for all. Your sponsorship will help expand our impact in Education & Youth Development; Health, Wellness, Hunger Relief, & Quality of Life; Advocacy, Policy, & Research; Economic Empowerment, and Community Cohesion.