Gladys Tiffany, Director Omni Center for Peace Justice & Ecology
Jan 5 2025
If the SZ Apartment Corporation and the legal system have no heart, that’s not true of Omni people. You are people who have heart in spades.
You’ve donated over $3300 to help the eight people who live in this apartment find other housing over the winter. If you’ve gotten the posts from Facebook and GoFundMe you know that one couple has found a safe place and is moving now – thanks to your generosity – and others are still struggling to find a place. Some feel that they have possible places that aren’t confirmed, so something may still fall into place in the next seven days. We all know how difficult housing is right now, so no one except the clueless judged who sentenced them to this fate will be surprised that it’s difficult.
If no permanent housing can be found your money will go toward helping them settle into a motel room through the winter.
We’re still about $800 short of money to help all 8 renters. If you can donate a bit toward that we’d very much appreciate it. They have to be out by January 10. A few spare bucks to help them would go a long way. it. Here’s the link to our GoFundMe page if you’re interested.
Keep 8 People From Becoming Homeless by January 10
GoFundMe link: