The Famous Bread and Puppets comes to Fayetteville

Saturday Nov 19


THANK YOU good Omni folks who already volunteered your extra bedrooms for Bread and Puppets!

More details below on the plans for the event and the need for hospitality.


30 beds are needed. Wow. We need more beds! They don’t need to be fancy. Most folks are happy to sleep on a dry floor. 3 elders really do need actual beds. And one puppeteer comes with a faithful dog. Can any of y’all help with these needs?

Other needs:

2) JoAnn Kaminsky is organizing lunch and dinner for the troupe. Would you like to help with that?

3) They aren’t called “Bread and Puppets” for no reason. They need a good oven to bake bread in, which will be served to us the audience at the end of the performance. is that cool or what? Do you have a nice big oven that could be used?

4) There’s always packing up and cleaning at the end and they can use some help. It’d be a great way to get to know some amazing puppeteers.

Email to volunteer!

Performance Day Schedule

Saturday Nov 19

Gulley Park (sun location) Good Shephard Lutheran (rain location – 2925 Old Missouri Rd)

Noon – puppeteers arrive, set up, lunch

3:00 pm – Band starts playing

3:30 pm – Performance begins

4:45 pm – end of performance

serve bread, sell art

5:30 pm – pack up and clean site, dinner served to troup

7:00 pm – farewell and depart to change the world