The Royal Dutch Shell Case that Bit the Dust

Sunday Aug 1 – 1:30 pm – zoom below   “May 26th, 2021 will go down in the annals of climate change and environmental justice activism as the day a global energy giant, Royal Dutch Shell was left undone at the Dutch Hague District Court by the indefatigable litigation efforts of climate change/Environmental Activists.”   Attorney Teraine Okpoko is an energy law attorney with a broad breadth of experience spanning over 25 years of cross-border and multijurisdictional energy casework.   Zoom link   Link also available on the Omni Website      More details Teraine Okpoko and the Royal Dutch Shell Case

The title of Teraine Okpoko’s, Esq. (Energy law attorney, see bio below) talk is, “Milieudefensie vs SHELL: An Environmentalist’s Delight“. A short summation of his talk on the topic is as follows:   “May 26th, 2021 would go down in the annals of climate change and environmental justice activism as the day a global energy giant, Royal Dutch Shell “RDS”, (the top holding company of the global Shell group of over 1,100 companies) was left undone at the Dutch Hague District Court by the indefatigable litigation efforts of climate change/Environmental Activists, unapologetically committed to the reduction of harmful emissions by fossil fuel companies. RDS was adjudged by the court to have a binding legal obligation to reduce harmful emissions from its global oil and gas operations including indirect emissions from third-party sources (that is, sources from which Shell purchased or acquired electricity, steam or heating for its operations and, most importantly, all other indirect emissions resulting from activities of Shell but occurring from greenhouse gas sources owned or controlled by third parties, that is other organizations or customers, including emissions from the use of third-party purchased crude oil and gas of the Shell group). It is in respect of this latter part of the judgement that the profound and wide-ranging impact of the judgement becomes evident. Climate change/environmental Activists are truly delighted with the outcome of this long sought for and hard fought victory in court. “This is a monumental victory for our planet, for our children and is a step towards a liveable future for everyone. The judge has left no room for doubt: Shell is causing dangerous climate change and must stop its destructive behaviour now.” Donald Pols, director of Milieudefensie.”   Teraine Okpoko, Esq., is an Energy law attorney with a broad breadth of experience spanning over 25 years of cross-border and multijurisdictional energy casework, including  environmental/energy justice advocacy, commercial arbitration/litigation, public interest litigation and transactio