MayDay CK is Infrastructure for Justice in Northwest Arkansas

3 Anniversaries Fundraiser will be even better if you can share

MayDay Community Kitchen is one year old, and we’re celebrating by sending them love! There are 3 Anniversaries this month for Omni Center (20 years old), KPSQ FM Community Radio (5 years old), and MayDay Community Kitchen (1!)

We are proud that Omni could be part of the mutual aid culture that blossomed as covid swept through our community last year. And Omni could only do it because Omni members and friends stepped up to help. Dozens of Omni folks show up to deliver food every day, and so many have donated food, supplies and money to keep them working that we can’t count everybody!

(Spoiler alert: See names of everybody who’s donated so far at the link!)
For all our birthdays, we invite you to donate on behalf of all of us, to benefit MayDay Kitchen, who’s the one needing money now. Click on the photo above to find the donation page, and you’ll learn more.
Donate to MayDay Community Kitchen here!