Racial Equity Challenge from AR Peace & Justice Memorial Movement

CONTACT PERSON: Kwami Abdul-Bey 501-442-7377 APJMM2019@gmail.com  

The Arkansas Peace & Justice Memorial Movement (APJMM) has partnered with Just Communities of Arkansas (JCA) and the UCA Center for Community and Economic Development to launch the inaugural Arkansas 28-Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge, beginning February 1st.   

The Challenge will provide a virtual platform to engage citizens throughout Arkansas to participate in self-guided daily learning activities that aim to educate and help individuals develop more effective racial equity and social justice habits around issues of power, privilege and leadership. The main website for this FREE Challenge is: https://uca.edu/cced/arkansas-racial-equity-challenge/.

Each day will present a new topic centered in seven different formats: Reflections, Podcasts, Videos, Articles, Questions, Resources, and Advocacy. A weekly Monday evening storytelling workshop sponsored by The Yarn Storytelling will also be part of the Arkansas 28-Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge. Additionally, on Thursday, February 4th, the UA-Clinton School for Public Service and the APJMM Pulaski County Community Remembrance Project to offer a virtual Coming To The Table community dialogue on the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Building an Inclusive Culture Through Storytelling (Feb 1st) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/building-an-inclusive-culture-through-storytelling-tickets-138008570349  

Coming To The Table Community Dialogue (Feb. 4th) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/coming-to-the-table-dialogue-on-race-and-the-capitol-insurrection-tickets-139154150811

What Have My Experiences Been With Race and Equity? (Feb. 8th) https://uca-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsd-2grD4uG9xDVQX8tecsRKsrH4FwIMZ9  

Who Do I Talk to About Race? (Feb. 15th) https://uca-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApduCrqjIqGdIePdediA_giq2CyXum_fA8  

When Has My Heart Changed for the Better? (Feb. 22nd) https://uca-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrc–urj4jG9QHW75HFpPP_3ozlbNj1SxU  

For more information on the Arkansas 28-Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge, visit the official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/AR28DayRacialJusticeChallenge, or email APJMM2019@gmail.com.