Register to use Markham Hill trails

Invitation from Lisa Orton
Dear Friends of Markham Hill,
Developer SREG is opening a trail on the 50 acres they promise to preserve on the west side of Markham Hill. You must register (only once), promising not to sue if hurt on their property. The link is below. 
Friends of Markham Hill asks that SREG shows the same care by valuing and protecting all 140 acres (144 minus the 4 acres they have deforested already on Markham Rd leading up the hill). 
SREG and their Markham Hill stakeholders can get all their investment back and make a profit by only building their 20 luxury homes (over a million dollars each) on the north and south side of Markham Rd leading up the hill. That covers about 8 acres. They could easily donate the remaining 136 acres as a nature preserve in a conservation easement. This would also protect the wildlife, historical places, Native American sites, and natural habitats in this last remaining intact urban forest inside of Fayetteville. 
The entire Markham Hill property can be preserved. Keep asking SREG to do this for the people of Fayetteville.
#SaveMarkhamHill #PreserveFayetteville #KeepFayettevilleForested #MarkhamHillWildlife #MarkhamHillHistory #MarkhamHillNativeAmericans #MarkhamHillInspiredArt
Register Here Specialized Real Estate Group, Inc. | Markham Hill Nature Trails