The Great Shame 75 Years After the Big Bomb

Yesterday seventy-five years ago the world changed for the worse when we – us the “good guys” dropped an atom bomb on 340,000 people in Hiroshima. Within the next couple of months 140,000 of them died. 70,000 immediately in the blast, the rest in agony from injuries and radiation poison.  A few thousand were soldiers. The rest were civilians. Almost all civilians.
We should not have done that.  Never.  It was a despicable act that stains us in the same way that our hidden histories of racism and genocide have made this culture of embedded entitlement and legal greed what it is.
The atomic age we ushered in has, in my mind, shifted the implicate order of our universe in ways we do not ourselves understand, but that we must now live through and learn from. It’s our lot as meaning-makers. 
If it required horrors of this magnitude to reveal the inherent evil of the authoritarian system, it behooves us to face the evil directly and take it in fully so we can move on to the fullness of the humanity we are truly called to. 
Let’s not dawdle. Let’s do it. Let’s become one humanity on one lovely and radiant planet … (continue reading here) … As wise Omni folk, we want to Inform ourselves better. Here’s a page linking to many interesting resources and events of the day: