Race. Gender. Empire and a Future.

Yesterday I watched a pretty astounding webinar from Yes! Magazine, “The Pandemic Portal, How This Moment Changes Everything”.  If you’re not familiar with Yes! this is your introduction to a world of pragmatic hope based on purposeful action. Please check them out at the link HERE.
The webinar really was astounding. I tuned in because David Korten was there and he’s written some great things, but his role here was to back up Nafeez Ahmed, who’s pretty much awesome. 
  • What role did viruses play in the evolution of life on planet earth?
  • Is it possible to create systems that address our terrible race and social inequalities?
  • Is it true that GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is the best way to measure progress? How about well-being?
  • GDP is just the way things are. What are the alternatives?
  • Has it only been 5000 years since the authoritarian system began?
  • Is it really possible that our deepest nature is to love, cooperate and share?
  • This was only the beginning
I really hope the webinar itself is posted for you to see next week. I’ll share it when it is, so please check back to find out. But Omni people need an introduction to Nafeez Ahmed. Two articles by him, and a brief one by David Korten are linked right in the story.