Connection Power

Connection Power

Why is connecting important? Research shows that a connected and cohesive community is powerful! When it faces conflict, crisis or catastrophe a connected and cohesive community recognizes problems more quickly. It draws on the knowledge and skills of more people to solve problems. And it bounces back from crisis faster, and more effectively.

As our world moves through climate and social crises the family and community connections we nurture will be the way we survive and thrive. We need to prepare now to connect across all the silos of race, creed and culture that have divided us over the centuries, and prepare to work together.

Start now to make your connections deep and strong. The activities you find in this events letter are places where you fit in. Show up for something, and find a place where you can learn to make a difference.

Join OMNI at, and if you have any questions, call us at 479-935-4422.