Monthly Archives: February 2025

Housing Crisis Task Force

Meets Weds Feb 19 – 5:30 pm City Hall Room 326 People on this Task Force care about Fayetteville people who are losing their housing, but they need to hear from YOU friends! To come and silently observe can move mountains. For more information email Gladys at

Arkansas Renters United Meets

Saturday Feb 15 – 1:00 pm – Omni Center, 3274 N. Lee Ave. Renters in Northwest Arkansas are next meeting Saturday February 15 – to talk about their concerns – which are many. Any Omni folks who are renting will find the discussions very relevant to their experience. Discussions are ALWAYS lively learning experiences. If you don’t rent but support rights and well-being for renters of course you’ll find it interesting too.

The Peace of Wild Things

To hold in the heart When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS #216, February 3, 2025

Compiled by Dick Bennett John Clarke.   “A Voice from Canada.” Yale Climate Connections, Climate Crisis and Mental Health(and more) “A VOICE FROM CANADA:  John Clarke, “Truth takes a side.”“The Climate Charade Continues.” Originally published: Counterfire  on January 12, 2024 (more by Counterfire) and Canadian Dimension  on November 7, 2024 (more by Canadian Dimension) . Understanding and truth are our best weapons against an exploitative society based on lies.  With fossil-fuel interests now openly and repeatedly in charge of Cop summits, their failure of legitimacy must be confronted, argues John Clarke.“On the Edge of the ‘Climate Abyss’.”   Originally published: Counterfire  on May 15, 2024 (more by Counterfire).  With scientists warning of imminent catastrophe, it is time […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett .    US Imperialism Abel Tomlinson.  “Silent Propaganda.”Leila Sansour. The Racket. Abel Tomlinson’s latest article on US imperialism has been published by Covert Action Magazine.  The basic fact that the United States is an empire is perhaps the most systematically taboo subject within mainstream American information systems and public discourse. U.S. imperialism is almost never discussed in depth, critically or intelligently, within corporate media or the educational system. It is never mentioned by candidates of the two dominant political parties, or brought up at presidential debates. It is rarely mentioned even within universities, outside of a […]

WORLD WAR III anthology #3 February 3, 2025

COMPILED BY dICK BENNETT FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, AND ECOLOGY. What’s at Stake:  On January 24, 2023, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock was moved to 90 seconds (1 minute, 30  seconds) before midnight, the closest it has ever been set to midnight since its inception in 1947. This adjustment was largely attributed to the risk of nuclear escalation that arose from the US/NATO/Ukraine vs. Russia War.  Only the threatening chaos of the climate emergency poses an equal or greater danger to our evolution.    Now “. . .The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has officially reset […]


They keep putting off the committee presentation. That means they are getting your messages. Please send a message again! Bill filed to derail state’s efforts to protect Buffalo River from hog farming We know you have received several messages from BRWA recently asking for your help in securing a permanent moratorium prohibiting any future swine CAFO permits in the Buffalo National River watershed. Now the legislature is considering a bill which would prohibit moratoriums statewide, including specifically the Buffalo River watershed. Senate Bill 84 is an obvious attempt at an end-run around current rule makings which would establish a permanent […]

Homeless Solutions Meet-Up

Thursday Feb 6 – 6:30 – Omni Center Thank you Homeless Solutions Folk for your faithful attendance at the Housing Crisis Task Force meetings over these several months! We know we’re making a dif! At the next meeting let’s discuss the last TF to update each other on what we’re seeing emerge. Where do we want to put our energy now? Who else do we need to connect with? Are there things we still need to learn? (very likely) If you’ve never been to a Homeless Solutions meeting before don’t let that stop you from joining us!