Monthly Archives: February 2025


Compiled by Dick Bennett Ukraine War: Truth of the Past Depends upon When you Begin and What’s Omitted  Joe Lauria.  “Help Us Fight the Psyopcracy.”  Consortium News (6-24-24). It’s not a physical enemy to combat but rather powerful messages lodged in millions of people’s minds. It’s come to rule over us. Read here… June 22, 2024 Cathy Vogan, executive producer of Consortium News‘ webcast CN Live!, coined a new term to describe rule by psyops, or psychological operations: psyopcracy.   And Consortium News is devoted to fighting it. According to Wikipedia:   “Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS #219, February 24, 2025

Compiled by Dick Bennett.  From Understanding to ActionErald Kolasi .  The Physics of Capitalism: How a New Political Ecology Can Change the World . Genevieve Guenther.  The Language of Climate Politics: Fossil-Fuel Propaganda and How to Fight It.  The Physics of Capitalism: How a New Political Ecology Can Change the World by Erald Kolasi.  Monthly Review, 2025.The Physics of Capitalism, by Erald Kolasi, offers a new theoretical framework for understanding the relationship between economic systems and the wider natural world. The economic and demographic growth of human civilization over the last ten thousand years has profoundly impacted natural ecosystems throughout the […]

2/28/25 Economic Blackout

It’s a simple action – no purchases for 24 hours (except for small local businesses), but could be very effective if significant numbers participate – if you agree, could you spread the word? A series of blackouts is planned to build momentum and remind powers that be the people are the source of their wealth and power. The Peoples Union USA is promoting it, (they have a video explaining why).

Vegan Potluck Dinner

Sunday 2/23 5:30-8pm Omni Center For Peace, Justice & Ecology 3274 N Lee Ave Come join us for a fun, friendly and delicious dinner! Greetings, I hope all is well and that you’ll join us! If all is not well, even more reason to attend    Chip Balew, Organizer Facebook Event Here Please share/invite family, friends, associates and all earth/animal friendly & health minded kind folks. Please bring a vegan dish enough for 8 servings. If you want recipe ideas, check out Bring copies of your recipe, if you want to share. An ingredient list can be helpful, if someone […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology What’s at Stake:   “Christian nationalism radically shapes what Americans think about who they are as a people, what their future should look like, and how they should get there.”  Andrew Whitehead. CONTENTS Local Connection:  FFRF Chapter Actions. History Whitehead.  Taking America Back for God. Onishi.  Preparing for W ar: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism.Seidel.“The Shadow Network, Project 2025….”Seidel.   “Church-state separation and. . .Christian Nationalist abuse of power.”   Taylor.  The Violent Take It by Force. Du Mez.  Jesus and John Wayne. History, Analysis, Action American […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett Origins of Wars:Walter Karp.  Indispensable Enemies: leaders’ desire for power.Herman and Chomsky.   Manufacturing Consent: media support of ruling power.Monthly Review:  failure to abide by international weapons treaties. Leaders’ Desire for Power Walter Karp, Indispensable Enemies: The Politics of Misrule in America.  Saturday Review P, 1973. “In prosecuting an aggressive foreign policy, the party oligarchs have been driven by no cause or interest external to themselves: by no fundamental economic interest, by no genuine threat to the security of the Republic, by no irresistible poplar demand.  Except in the post-World War I period [v. “Wilson’s war”], […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS #218, February 17, 2025

Compiled by Dick Bennett Green New Deal. Kate Aronoff.      Overheated. Greenpeace. Inside Climate News. GREEN NEW DEALKate Aronoff.  Overheated: How Capitalism Broke the Planet—and How We Fight Back.  Bold Type Books, 2021.[Aronoff reflects the long tradition of Utopian thought and practice.  For utopianism means the ability to imagine a better world, without which we can’t get started,–such as with the New Deal of the 1930s.  –D]      “Decarbonizing the global economy and adapting to the climate changed century ahead will be the single hardest and most important thing our species has ever done.* It’s impossible without a big, […]