Yearly Archives: 2024

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #162, JANUARY 22, 2024 Dick Bennett, Compiler. “Climate Change in Nebraska.” John Berger.  Solving the Climate Crisis. “Climate Change in Nebraska.”  College of Journalism and Mass Communications (ad in IRE Journal, 3rd Quarter 2022).  Digital depth report on the impacts of and potential solutions for climate change in Nebraska, won Hearst Journalism Awards and Society for Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence Awards. John J. Berger.  Look Inside Solving the Climate Crisis: Frontline Reports from the Race to Save the Earth.  Seven Stories P, October, 2023.  509pp.       A glance at the Index reveals surprising gaps, for examples: Bill McKibben, Paul Hawken not here.  No mention […]

Gaza Strike Jan 21-28

Gaza Special Alert Omni joins the world in demanding a ceasefire from Netanyahu and Biden. The slaughter and destruction is just too horrific to continue. Journalists from Gaza are requesting a global strike from economic activity Jan 21-28. What might you do to help make that statement? As always, OMNI center stands with all people regardless of Religion and is devoted to the safety of our Jewish community in this time of rising anti-semitism. January 14th, marked the 100th day of destruction and murder in Gaza. The horrifying latest stats, as of that day, from the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #161, JANUARY 15, 2024 Jeremy Brecher.  Ending Fossil Fuels.ADG.  Russophobia, Germany, and Coal.Brooke Staggs.  Evangelicals v. Climate Change.Tupy and Pooley. Negative Review of New Book on Population Growth., Superabundance, Ending Fossil Fuels Industry.Jeremy Brecher.  Against Doom: A Climate Insurgency Manual. “…lays out key elements of a far-reaching global-scaled, pragmatic, people-powered strategy to topple the power of the fossil fuel industry and the institutions behind it.”  David Solnit. Politics of National Rivalry: Russophobia, War, Fossil Fuels.Loveday Morris and Vanessa Guinan-Bank.  “Germany Seeing Return to Coal.”  Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (8-7-22).    [ It’s politics.]:  “It’s part of a pan-European dash to ditch Russian natural gas and escape President […]

Point in Time Count Volunteers & Training

The annual point-in-time count (PIT) of local homeless folks is rapidly approaching. It will occur on Friday, 1/26/2024. We are recruiting volunteers to help interview individuals on the 26th. Your help will be really important. You’ll get a new view of what homelessness is, and some of the systems that are trying to address it. Thanks for your support of this project to help us understand the size and needs of the local homeless population. Please do share this email with others in your network who you think may be interested.

The Climate Moment

Half of all global emissions come from the world’s richest 10% (which includes most of the middle class in the richer nations… that’s some of us)    The world’s richest 10% encompasses most of the middle classes in “developed” countries – anyone paid more than about $40,000 (£32,000) a year. The lavish lifestyles of the very rich – the 1% – attract attention. But the 10% are responsible for half of all global emissions, making them key to ending the climate crisis.   (The International Energy Agency data shows that the poorest 10% in the US still have a per capita footprint bigger than 90% […]

Volunteer to keep them warm

St. James Pantry has opened an extreme cold emergency shelter for homeless people. This week sure counts as extreme, doesn’t it? Contact director Monique Jones to find out what help they need right now. They have the two overnight shifts covered for the next few days, but meals and other needs are outstanding. Give Monique a call or text at 214-254-5029. This won’t be the last cold day this year.

GAZA ANTHOLOGIES #14 January 12, 2023

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology. (#1: 3-3-08; #2 Nov. 16, 2012; #3 Nov. 17, 2013; #4 May 31, 2014; #5 July 28, 2014; #6 August 30, 2014; #7 April 8, 2015; #8 May 13, 2021; #9, October 15, 2023; #10, October 23, 2023; #11, Nov. 4 and Nov. 7, 2023; #12 , Nov. 16, 2023; #13, Dec. 16, 2023). CONTENTS FOR #14(Because I learned early in its history that social media often resulted in or was even designed to produce polarization via viral images that stimulated adrenaline and dopamine, I have delete […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #160, JANUARY 8, 2024 Compiled by Dick Bennett. My apologies for missing 2 Memos because of an operation, but I am much recovered; thanks for your continued work FOR peace and democracy and AGAINST climate change, all connected. Union of Concerned ScientistsCode PinkPublic Citizen Choose your organizations to support and go with them heart and purse.   Here are some good choices (of course I assume you are already a member of OMNI!). Union of Concerned Scientists.   “Match for Science: Help us prepare for the hottest years ahead.”   12-28-23.  Dear Dick,  You may have seen my message yesterday announcing that we are closing in […]