Monthly Archives: June 2024

Choose Democracy

Choose Democracy is delighted to let you know our book, “What if Trump Wins,” is now available for order. “What if Trump Wins?” is the first book we know of that lays out different strategies for resisting a Trump autocracy (or a coup, depending on how elections go). The book is a choose-your-own-adventure, to allow your brain to stretch and explore different options and scenarios. Your character helps grow the resistance. Can you guide us towards a better, more humane democracy? We’re delighted to offer the book! It makes a great gift to friends and colleagues. Order your book now! […]

Vegan Summerfest July 2024

July 10-14 – Jonestown PA, University of Pittsburgh No Omni Vegan Potluck over the summer. Instead … Organizer Chip Balew invites you to check out a fantastic opportunity that has inspired him for years. If you’re looking for an educational vegan vacation destination or you’re simply looking for vegan programs that are open to the public, welcome to the North American Vegetarian Society. Vegan Summerfest gathers people of all levels of experience at our leading vegan conference in the United States to learn more about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. Take cooking classes, begin a fitness regimen, engage in […]

Postcards for Democracy Defending Democracy in This Year’s Election!

The cards have arrived and if you requested some yours have been neatly counted out and packaged, ready for you. We’ll be in contact this week about how to get them to you. There are more to share. Please order yours now! Help get out the vote for the November election in one of the most effective ways discovered by science…. Send a hand-written postcard.  We all know Arkansas is not a swing state. Sometimes we feel like a deep backwater. Until we’re ready for the big leagues, we can still have a real impact in critical swing states across the […]

More joy in Fayetteville

Hello and Happy Summer-time! If you’d like to hear Harmonia,  catch us at the Fayetteville Farmers Market at the corner of Center St. and Block St. — next Saturday, June 22, between 9 and 11 a.m. We’ll also be there, same time and place,  on July 20th.

20 Years! Trans Pride Parade and THE BIG ONE

This year is the 20th Anniversary of Pride Parade in Fayetteville and there are events happening all weekend in support of the gay community. Full list on the Facebook page. Please join other Omni folks to march in the Pride Parade Saturday June 29! The Trans Pride Parade happens Friday June 28. It’s nothing to sniff at. Last year there were over 1000 people walking. Omni would have loved to have that many in most of our peace protests in the early years. It’s informal, colorful, warm and exciting. It steps off at 7:00 pm on the Square if you’d like to experience it. No […]

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #181, June 12, 2024

Compiled by Dick Bennett US Imperialism, Pituffik Space Base, Daniel Ellsberg Week) US Imperialism, Thule (Greenland) Air Force Base, now Pituffik Space Base, May 17, 2024 from a Greenland Base for War to a Base for Space War, and Daniel Ellsberg Week June 10-16. Google to find some of the already numerous and rapidly increasing published articles on Thule/Pituffik   An outstanding example follows, packed with information, significantly observing the convergence of nuclear and climate dangers.   But its excellent reportage is one-sided—USAALLTHE WAY–without self-examination, devoid of other national perspectives, untouched by awareness of its origins in Cold War I and […]


COMPILED BY DICK BENNETT FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, AND ECOLOGY HTTPS://OMNICENTER.ORG/DONATE DANIEL ELLSBERG WEEK 2024 6-10/16-24CONTENTS Introduction and InterviewRoots Action.  Ellsberg’s The Doomsday Machine.Photo of Ellsberg“Remember Ellsberg; Ditch Nukes.” Al Mytty.  “Things to Learn.”VIDEO: “A Celebration of Daniel Ellsberg” by his Family.John Kiriakou.  “ Dan Ellsberg: An American History Giant.”Joe Lauria.  “Memories of Dan Ellsberg.”The Shalom Report.  “Daniel Ellsberg, Presente.”Michael Hirsh.  “Daniel Ellsberg Hates the Word ‘Legacy.’”   Matt Taibbi.  “Daniel Ellsberg Talks About Whistleblowing, the Pervasiveness Of Official Lies, and the Dangers of the Espionage Act.”Rep.Tulsi Gabbard on Ellsberg.Ellsberg’s Last Book, The Doomsday Machine.REVIEWS of The Doomsday […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett RESISTANCE:  why our climate is in crisis and what we can do.Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, The Big Myth.  Fossil Fuel Profits,     Political Ideology, Accountability of Institutions, Lobbyists, and     Corporations Supporting Capitalism.Carly, et al.  “The Fossil Fuels Behind Forest Fires.” Zach, Greenpeace. Electing Climate Champions. Nick Engelfried, Waging Nonviolence, Nonviolent Direct Action v.       Destruction of Forests. United Nations. Diane Bernard.  “The Climate Crisis Is Directly Related To Inequality. “ DeSmog. (6-1-24).      “Climate Change Is Not Just About Fossil Fuel Profits, But Also the Political Ideology Supporting Capitalism.” In an interview with Rachel Donald of the podcast Planet: […]