Daily Archives: May 17, 2024

The Climate Moment

Stories from this unique moment on Earth …. What’s happening with the climate?! 2000 Elder Swiss women win human rights case against Swiss government’s failure to protect life by implementing adequate climate policies  The European Court of Human Rights has decided that Swiss authorities have violated the right to life of a group of elder women in Switzerland by not implementing sufficient climate change policies. “For the first time, an international tribunal recognizes that human rights include the right to climate protection,” said one activist. The European court’s ruling is binding and requires the Swiss to take greater action to […]

Help for Marie Riley’s family

Friend of peace Marie Riley passed very suddenly last week. Please sign up to  help for her husband Art and son Justin while they’re getting re-oriented to life without her. Provide a meal through Meal Train. Meal Train is a wonderful service that helps people provide food for the hard times. It’s been set up by JoAnn Kaminsky, who always steps in to help wherever she can. “Some of you knew Marie Riley and especially Art Hobson. I put together two meal trains. One for now until Sunday while family is intown for the funeral and another for a couple of weeks […]

Walk Out For Palestine

Thank you Omni folks …. … who went out this morning to stand with students supporting ceasefire in Gaza. You are so awesome! Fayetteville High students asked for the support of our community for their Walk Out for Palestine. And Omni people and others stepped up.