Monthly Archives: April 2024

Homeless Solutions Post

Welcome to “The Post” Homelessness is COMPLEX.We’re all in this together. How can we operationalize that key progressive value? If we’re taking care of “the least of these” we can be confident that when we need help ourselves, the infrastructure to take care of us all will be right there waiting. Next Homeless Solutions meeting Talks that Matter Thursday May 2 – 6:30 pm – Omni Center Featuring Britin Bostick, Long Range Planner and Special Projects, City of Fayetteville The schedule changed a bit for this session of Homeless Solutions. We planned to have Dr. John Gallagher come share the results […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett Greta Thunberg for Science Zack Frye on Settler-Colonialism v. Nature     By repeating its superb documentary on Greta Thunberg, PBS has again invigorated global resistance to climate change, and again exposed the hucksters of quack remedies.        Greta is an adult lay scientist, critical thinker, and ethical leader roaming the planet to gather the facts, investigate claims and evidence, and to demand our leaders to take action to save life on earth, as the film shows over and over.  Above all, she tracks the emergency.    Will trees as carbon sinks save us?  Well, yes, but not […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a World of Peace, Justice, and Ecology These readings offer a randomly selected, brief sampling of criticism of Zionism mainly from the point of view of individual Jews and Jewish peace organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace. I have not tried to represent the history of Christian Zionism, which is also complex and abundant.  –Dick Esther Farmer and Rosalind Petchesky, and Sarah Sills, eds.  A Land with a People:  Palestinians and Jews Confront Zionism.  Monthly Review P (2023). Anti-Semitism  Anti-Zionism  Decolonization  Palestine  Reviews  Settler colonialism  Zionism  A Land With A People Edited by Esther Farmer, Rosalind Petchesky and Sarah Sills.  226 pages, $19. […]

Article by Joanna Person-Michener

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Fayetteville- … UUers deeply value the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, ,which is our 7th principle. This principle calls us to environmental appreciation, stewardship and protection. Aptly this Sunday Doug Krueger will speak to us on how Every Day is Earth Day, which is a sentiment with which I’m sure most of us agree. Even so, Earth Day is traditionally celebrated on April 22nd, which first began in 1970 and is now the largest civic event world-wide, with over 1 billion people participating across more than 193 nations annually! Likewise, to […]

Kelly Holst Memorial

MAY 4, 2024 at 7PM OMNI CENTER 3272 N. Lee Ave Steve Holst and Burnetta Hinterthuer invite Omni friends to share memories of Steve’s mother, Kelly at her musical memorial service. You’ll remember her from Open Mic and many other Omni events during the years she lived with Steve and Bur in Fayetteville. Come and share this time with her family to remember what she meant to us all. She was a remarkable woman who lived a full life for 95 years. It will be an Open Mic format. Songs, poems, stories and memories are all welcome. If you have […]

UNITED NATIONS FOUNDATION Glimpses 2021 to 2024 April 23, 2024

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a World of Peace, Justice, and Ecology A Once-in-a-Generation Moment   2024    United Nations Foundation <>     This month marked a series of grim milestones for cascading crises — some persistent and others more recent. One year of brutal war in Sudan. Six months of horrific conflict in Gaza. The second straight month of escalating gang violence in Haiti. And 10 years since 276 girls were abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria – many of whom remain in captivity today.  Amid such devastating conflicts, the world is in desperate need of urgent solutions today — and a better plan for collectively managing […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology ContentsTAKE ACTION FOR THE EARTH: Featured Organizations Jane Fonda for Greenpeace Rabbi Waskow for The Shalom Report Union of Concerned Scientists Google Search Additional Articles’ Way to a Better Fighting for our planet’s survival   4-20-24Jane Fonda, Greenpeace USA via  Hi, James. Jane here. I’m not only a climate activist — I’m also a cancer survivor, twice over now. I realize I’m lucky to have had amazing doctors and nurses, and grateful to live in a time in which so much progress has been made in researching this awful […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett. EARTH DAY ADAPTING INSTITUTIONS FOR THE CLIMATE EducationUnionsLawDebt This Earth Day 2024, Become an Environmental Steward and Advocate of EQUAL JUSTICE in EDUCATION  NEA EdAction via           Thu, Apr 18 Hi there, As Earth Day approaches, we recognize that climate justice is at the heart of education justice.  Not only do severe weather events interrupt instruction time and destroy school buildings, but extreme temperatures can make classrooms too hot or too cold for students to learn. These effects are felt most strongly in under-resourced communities, where schools don’t have the infrastructure to withstand these increasing pressures. We know that you care […]