Yearly Archives: 2023

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #148, OCTOBER 9, 2023 A Retrospective Assessment of The Limits of Growth. Population Connection: Stablilizing Population Growth.Adam McKay v. Fossil Fuel-funded Misinformation. RESISTING THE SOURCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE A Retrospective Assessment of The Limits of Growth. Monthly Review Vol. 74, No. 5 (October 2022) “Notes from the Editors, October 2022” by The Editors. This year is the fiftieth anniversary of one of the most influential, and also controversial, environmental studies ever written: The Club of Rome’s report, The Limits to Growth (New York: Universe, 1972) by Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jørgen Randers, and William W. Behrens III. No other environmental work of the 1970s offered […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #146, OCTOBER 4,  2023 NUCLEAR WEAPONSTom Dispatch and Andrea Mazzarino.  “At the Brink.”Robert Weissman, “AI ADDS TO NUCLEAR DANGER.”  “Andrea Mazzarino, Nuclear Deterrence, Really?”September 28, 2023.  TomDispatch via . . .Today, as TomDispatch regular Andrea Mazzarino reminds us, not just two but nine countries are nuclear-armed and the possibility of a nuclear war has increased accordingly. In addition, we now know that even a conflict in which the U.S. played no part could create a “nuclear winter” that would devastate this country, too. And yet, despite the recent hit movie Oppenheimer, nuclear fears and fantasies are now largely in absentia. Bert, it seems, ducked, covered, and never came up again. So, I think […]


Dick Bennett Al Gore. The Climate Reality Project.Thomas Kostigen.  Extreme Weather Survival Guide.  May 14, 2023“Mothers on Six Continents Demand Action to Protect Children From Climate Crisis.”“If we don’t act now, it will be too late,” one mom warned. “I could not live with myself, as a mother, as a doctor, and as a human being, if we didn’t do all we can to try and bring about the much-needed systemic change.”  I continue to sift through boxes of books after a water pipe froze and broke last Dec.   Which of the books or folders are still worth reading? The Climate […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #145, SEPTEMBER 27, 2023 Abel Tomlinson.  Protest #7 This SaturdayCaitlin Johnstone.  End Aggressions by Both Sides to End the War.Joseph Gerson. US Uses of its Nuclear Arsenal for Empire. Stop Ukraine War: Peace Protest #7 this Saturday Dear friends, We are holding our 7th monthly peace protest to Stop the Ukraine War this Saturday, September 30th, at 11 A.M. at Washington County Courthouse.  We hope to see you there! We must keep standing up to say No More War, not only to stop the killing of Ukrainians & Russians, and to stop the threat of nuclear war, but also to stop the long war our leaders […]


 OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #146, SEPTEMBER 25, 2023 ( Geoff and Leslie Oelsner.  Attunements for the Earth. Ed Rampell. Film Necessity, or a Choice of Evils.Urban Ramblings.  Reject the Military Carbon Bootprint. RESISTANCE TO THE WARMMAKERS Geoff and Leslie Oelsner.  Attunements for the Earth. Dear OMNI Friends, Our planetary climate crisis calls for all possible creative responses. It calls us to turn and tap into the catalyzing intelligence of Nature. Leslie’s and my new book is titled Attunements for the Earth. It includes Leslie’s photographs and my writings. It’s part of our turning, part of our […]

Coralie Koonce Book Signing

Sat September 30 – 10:00-11:30 am – Fayetteville Public Library The notorious local author Coralie Koonce invites you to join her! I’m going to do a Book Reading with my newly published memoirs SOUP TO NUTS on Saturday, September 30 in the Zeigler Room at the Fayetteville Public Library (the new building). It’ll be so fun. All are invited!

That Quorum Court at it again

Beth Coger’s drive to save the rule of law in Washington County Our Quorum Court is problematic in so many ways. Right now we can only roll our eyes at it. But that’s just not enough. The Q Court and parts of Washington County government have real authority over our lives, and they’re not doing a good job of exercising it. Their bungling and manipulation of money were disastrous during covid. The same dynamic is still playing out in other ways. The county attorney, Brian Lester, has demonstrated a lot of incompetence over the years with no accountability. That may […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #144, SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 Beyond War.   Abolish War.Joe Lauria.   “9/11: Why Americans Are Never Told Why.”Katrina Vanden Heuvel.  “Putin, Prigozhin, and Russia’s Future.” RECENT (AND FORTHCOMING) WORLD BEYOND WAR ACTIVITIESSome find it hard to believe, but NATO is planning a big celebration of 75 years of itself, with meetings beginning July 9, 2024, in Washington, D.C., at which we can expect many presidents, prime ministers, foreign secretaries, and weapons dealers. We are planning a summit on Saturday July 6 and a rally on Sunday July 7, as well as various other actions in the days before and after that weekend — including working with allies planning […]