Yearly Archives: 2023


Gear Up for Armistice Day!   November 11, 2023, is the 105th anniversary of the signing of the World War I armistice that ceased hostilities on the Western Front, which took effect on the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918. With this instrument, nations still recovering from the dreadful nightmare of WWI, one of the deadliest conflicts in human history, collectively embraced peace as a universal principle and called for an end to all wars.Click on the button below to read more. Our Armistice Day page has lots of resources, inspiration, and 11 ways you can […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #152, NOVEMBER 6, 2023 Jake Johnson.  “New Study Identifies United States as ‘Planet-Wrecker-in-Chief’.”Owen McCormack.  “Where now for the Climate Movement?”Dick Bennett.  “Warming and Detective Dramas.” Jake Johnson.  “New Study Identifies United States as ‘Planet-Wrecker-in-Chief’.” Originally published: Common Dreams  on September 12, 2023  (more by Common Dreams)  (Posted Sep 18, 2023)  Planned fossil fuel expansion in the U.S. accounts for more than a third of new oil and gas extraction projects set to begin through 2050, according to Oil Change International. Campaign against New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure: Ecosocialism v. Corporations, Market, Profit. Owen McCormack.  “Where Now for the Climate Movement?”Originally published: Rupture  on September 11, 2023 (more by Rupture)  (Posted Sep 16, 2023) It is […]


(#1: 3-3-08; #2 Nov. 16, 2012; #3 Nov. 17, 2013; #4 May 31, 2014; #5 July 28, 2014; #6 August 30, 2014; #7 April 8, 2015; #8 May 13, 2021; #9, October 15, 2023; #10, October 23, 2023). CONTENTS GAZA #11 Chris Hedges.  “Exterminate All the Brutes.”United Nations General Assembly Calls for a Ceasfire“How to Begin the End of the Occupation”Ask Your Congress Member to Cosponsor Ceasefire NOW Resolution To Stop the Cycle of Violence, the U.S. Must Quit Supporting Israel’s Occupation. “Israeli war on Gaza sparks ‘largest mass mobilization of Jews in American history’ .” “Israel-Palestine war: Mounting evidence […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #150, NOVEMBER 1,  2023 Dick Bennett.   AIR WAR As most of you know, I am clearing my home preparing to move to a smaller, more convenient residence, at a slow pace because I can’t resist rereading books and articles (of course eventually I must start dumping boxes without looking inside!).  Like the following: Anthony Sampson.  Empires of the Sky: The Politics, Contests, and Cartels of World Airlines (Random House, 1984). “How far has air travel changed the political map of the world?  Certainly, there is not much left of the rhetoric of unification—about abolishing frontiers or creating one world—which prevailed after Blėriots first […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #151, OCTOBER 30, 2023 ( Andrew Glikson  “A Climate of Insanity.”Robin Boardman.  “…Solutions for Collapse.”CJR.  Covering Climate Now. AlanThornett.  The Degrowth Movement Here are selections from two assessments of our emergency. Dr Andrew Glikson “A climate of Insanity.” Originally published: Countercurrents  on September 18, 2023 (more by Countercurrents)  |  (Posted Sep 19, 2023) (10-22-23). Inherent in the nature of insanity is the fact that those inflicted by it are unaware of their mental state, nor do crowds of people or for that matter political parties, and business elites, leading populations to catastrophe, from the scale of the […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #149, OCTOBER 25, 2023 ( Laurence Shoup.  US Wars for Empire and the Council of Foreign Relations. Convergence and Work for Peace Meehan Crist.  Beware Rising Temperatures Leading to Violence NukeWatch.  Wars Increase Warming and Risk Nuclear War Understanding Our Situation.  You Ask Yourself, How Did We Get Into So Many Wars?  Here’s one part of the puzzle. Laurence H. Shoup.  “Giving War a Chance.”  Monthly Review (May 2022).       Shoup’s review of Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict by Elbridge A. Colby offers rich revelations […]

Build Justice Not Jails

JaiI Expansion Comes Back to Haunt Build Justice Not Jails Thursday Oct 26 – 4:00-6:00 pm – 914 N. College The Quorum Court is determined to build that jail we’ve voted down twice. Arkansas Justice Reform Coalition (AJRC) is holding an action to educate people and remind that court that they need to listen to the people. The Court is pushing hard to move forward, even though two cycles of bidding for the building have not been successful and they have not been able to get bids for all the work. Now Nabholz has signed on to act as the […]

GAZA ANTHOLOGIES # 10 October 23, 2023

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology. (#1: 3-3-08; #2 Nov. 16, 2012; #3 Nov. 17, 2013; #4 May 31, 2014; #5 July 28, 2014; #6 August 30, 2014; #7 April 8, 2015; #8 May 13, 2021; #9, October 15, 2023). CONTENTS GAZA #10 Rabbi Arthur Waskow.  “Solidarity with Israel / Palestine.” AFSC and other Quaker organizations call for end to the violence.  To end violence in Palestine and Israel we must address root causes.  Abel Tomlinson. “Palestine Peace Protests: Stop the War, Stop the Genocide.” Raz Segal.  “A textbook case of genocide.” Jewish […]