Yearly Archives: 2023

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #120, APRIL 5, 2023 PEACE MOVEMENT [I am more comprehensively identifying the “Peace Movement” in two parts:  I.  Opposition to preparation for war and war (the worst of all crimes according to the UN Charter), , and II. Alternatives to war—diplomacy, etc.]. OPPOSITION TO WAR AND PREPARATION FOR WAR Chris Hedges. “The Lords of Chaos” [US war crimes].  The Chris Hedges Report, March 22, 2023. TEXTS US War Crimes, National Moral Reckoning, Ethical Amnesia, WWIII Chris Hedges. “The Lords of Chaos.”  The Chris Hedges Report, MAR 22, 2023. The politicians and shills in the media who orchestrated 20 years of military debacles in […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #121, APRIL 3, 2023 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES Vishwas Satgar.  “End Ecocidal Capitalism or Exterminate Life on Planet Earth.”Brazilian Popular Movements.  “Measures to Defend Life on Planet Earth and Improve Living Conditions.”Jason Hickel. “The Global South has the power to force radical climate action.” Authoritarian Neoliberalism, Global Chaos Vishwas Satgar.  “End Ecocidal Capitalism or Exterminate Life on Planet Earth: A South African Contribution to Ecosocialist Strategy.” Vishwas Satgar.  MR (July 5, 2022).  The South African climate justice movement presents a model for popular revolt against the ecofascist project. | more… Vishwas Satgar       (Jul 01, 2022). Topics: Climate Change  Democracy  Ecology  Marxist   Ecology  Movements      Places: Africa  Global  South Africa Vishwas Satgar is an associate professor of international relations, […]

ISRAELI BDS DAY (BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT, SANCTIONS) AND PALESTINIAN LAND DAY, MARCH 30, 2023 COMPILED BY DICK BENNETT FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, AND ECOLOGY. Also see:   International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Nov. 29. PART OF OMNI’S NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL DAYS PROJECT. CONTENTS Israeli BDS Day and Palestinian Land Day, March 30, 2023 Abel Tomlinson 3-12-23 Google Search 3-29-23 UPJ Announces FOR Showing of Documentary Boycott on legislation    blocking boycotts 3-16-23.  Other ways to see the film. Americans for Peace Now 3-7-23.Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)  2-23-23. ARKANSAS:  ACLU v. Anti-BDS Bills 7-10-22. DIVESTMENT:  AFSC Weekend Reading 6-4-22.  TEXTS OMNI’S MONTHLY ANTI-WAR DEMONSTRATION Seeking Student Peace Activists & […]

New Beginnings Needs Some Help

New Beginnings is a micro home village in South Fayetteville that houses 20 formerly-homeless people giving them a brand new start in life. If you know New Beginnings you know they’re already accomplishing some powerful changes in their people’s lives. If you’re not familiar, here is their website to get a taste of their work. Right now New Beginnings is fundraising for their Stepping Stone Gardens. You would never believe the impact of 8 tiny garden beds! New Beginnings is doubling our garden beds and hiring a garden coach. We’ve found gardening helps increase self worth! NWA Gives on April 6th […]

How to Host a Climate Potluck for Earth Day

April 22-29 Omni Center and the NWA Time Exchange want to encourage members and friends to honor Earth Day. We support all groups who hold events and great outdoor activities that help us remember. Something else that needs to be done is for families and friends to begin connecting around this big issue. A way to do that might be for us to invite each other over for potluck, and just talk about what we’re already doing to help the Earth (lots of Omni folks are doing things) and what our growing edge about climate change might be. The potluck […]

Earth Day Activities at Hobbs State Park

Saturday, April 15th: Activities from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Celebrate the 53rd anniversary of Earth Day and the 100th anniversary of Arkansas State Parks! Food trucks will be selling food and drinks. A percentage of sales benefits the park. 9:00-11:00 a.m.: Birds and Breakfast: See live songbirds captured in the park by ornithologists and then help release the birds after learning more about them.  Breakfast snacks and beverages will be provided. Event sponsors: Bluebird Shed, 3-D Pet Products, and Friends of Hobbs. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.: Educational booths and kids crafts. Come and go as you please. Booths will be on the Ozark Plateau Trail next to […]

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #119, MARCH 29, 2023 COST OF US WARSTom Dispatch.  Intro. to Astore’s  “America Hangs from a Cross of Iron.”20TH ANNIVERSARY OF US INVASION OF IRAQJUAN COLE.   “The American War from Hell, 20 Years Later:How Washington Lost Its Moral Compass in Iraq.”US INVASION OF IRAQ AND US MAINSTREAM MEDIA Norman Solomon.  “The urbanity of evil: 20 years after the Iraq invasion.”TEXTSTom Dispatch.   “William Astore, [$Costs of War$] ‘America Hangs from a Cross of Iron.’”  March 21, 2023.Just in case you were wondering where your tax dollars went in this century, consider the American war, now 20 years old, in Iraq (and after 2014 in Syria as […]