Yearly Archives: 2023


 Joe Lauria.   “Ukraine Timeline Tells the Story.” Chris Hedges.  “They Lied….”                Editors.  Monthly Review.  A Socialist Disarmament Strategy. Joe Lauria.  Special to Consortium News.  “Ukraine Timeline Tells the Story.”  July 6, 2023. Without historical context, buried by corporate media, it’s impossible to understand Ukraine.  (Forwarded by E. San Juan, Jr.) AMERICAN EMPIRE, ANALYSIS, HISTORY, INTELLIGENCE, RUSSIA, RUSSIAGATE, UKRAINE, WIKILEAKS The way to prevent understanding of the Ukraine war is to suppress its history. A cartoon version says the conflict began in February 2022 when Vladimir Putin woke up one morning and decided to invade Ukraine.  There was no other cause, according to this version, other than […]

Remarkable Tiny Home Village for Formerly Homelessin Austin

Community First Village 2020 Video Tour This week’s video is a backgrounder about the beginning of Community First Village. It’s been around for over 20 years and is now getting ready to expand again. The nonprofit that runs Community First Village is Mobile Loaves and Fishes. MLF started a food truck project to feed the several thousand of Austin homeless 20 years ago and then got into the housing business. Founder Allan Graham says “We want to empower the community around us into a lifestyle of service with the homeless. We achieve this vision through Community First! Village by taking […]

Invitation to Stand up for homeless people on Monday

Monday July 10 – 5:30 pm – City Hall Room 219 In order to ao allow a small group of homeless people to stay on their personal property so they won’t be constantly driven from pillar to post, Richard and Gladys Tiffany are applying for a conditional use permit now required by the city for civic service like this. We can tell you that they’re a pain. The Department of Planning and Zoning has recommended that the conditional use permit be denied, even though there is nowhere else for the people to go. They really don’t like homeless people cluttering […]


FROM 4TH OF JULY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO 4TH OF JULY INTERDEPENDENCE DAY, INTERNATIONAL DAY OF INTERDEPENDENCE, ANTHOLOGY #5,  July 4, 2023. COMPILED BY Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology #4 CONTENTS INTERDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4, 2023 #5 Frederick Douglass.  “What, to the slave, is the Fourth of July?” Rabbi Arthur Waskow.  “New 4th of July.” Mark Charles. “The Dilemma Of The Fourth Of July.”Margaret Kimberley. “The Terrible Origins Of July 4th.”ACLU of Arkansas.  “How many are not free?” Google.  8 items on Interdependence Day TEXTS INTERDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4, 2023 FREDERICK DOUGLASS, “WHAT, TO THE […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #134, JULY 3, 2023 Help Awaken Arkansas’ Congressmen’s Climate Somnolence  Recently, Dina Nash (chair of UUFF’s Justice Committee) was in Washington, DC for an afternoon of lobbying with others from Citizens’ Climate Lobby. . . . I got to meet with Rep. Crawford’s and Rep. Womack’s staff, as well as Sen. Boozman’s and him for about 40 minutes each. There are 3 proposed climate measures we talked with them about, but responses were interested, but non-committal. We assume they are still waiting for the groundswell of panic at which time they might do something: please be that groundswell! They are not leading; it’s business as usual, […]

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #132, JUNE 28, 2023 US THREATENING WAR AGAINST ANOTHER NUCLEAR POWER OMNI at FARMER’S MARKET this Saturday, June 30, 2023. Our Table is at the NW corner of Fayetteville Square beginning 8 a.m.   We have free copies of Nukewatch Quarterly, Sachs’ article on US/NATO provoking the Ukraine War, an urgent petition, and more to explain why we should take action against the Ukraine War. Three NUCLEAR articles from Consortium News (6-21-23).Scott Ritter.  “On Horseradish & Nuclear War.”“When Vladimir Putin was recently asked about the potential use of nuclear weapons in the context of Ukraine, an understanding of back-alley Russian slang was needed to understand […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #133, JUNE 26, 2023 Michael Mann.  “The Fragility of Truth in the Existential Climate Crisis.”Dick.   Detective Dramas, US Aggression, US Passivity. Denial of climate danger continues.Michael Mann.  “The Fragility of Truth in the Existential Climate Crisis.”   The Humanist (Summer 2023).   “…as I argued in my book The New Climate War, we appear now to be moving past outright denial of the basic science as the evidence becomes plain to the person on the street in the form of the unprecedented heat waves, droughts, wildfires, floods, and superstorms we are now witnessing. We still, however, face a multi-pronged strategy by polluters and their enablers in […]