Yearly Archives: 2023


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #138, AUGUST 9, 2023.; USA, WARMAKER As you might know, I am reshelving my books after having to box them up following a frozen pipe this winter and restoration.  It’s given me an opportunity to read again books that help explain why I am opposed to US foreign policy of wars and empire.  For example, The Roots of American Foreign Policy: An Analysis of Power and Purpose by Gabriel Kolko (1969).Here’s from the Introduction, p. xi:  “For a growing number of Americans the war in Vietnam has become the […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #139, AUGUST 7, 2023 ( KENNY STANCIL.  “Worsening Heatwaves Put Entire Global Food System in Jeopardy, Scientists Warn.”José Seoane.  “The eco collapse we were warned about has begun.” Ian Angus.  “Scientists choose site to mark the start of the Anthropocene.” KENNY STANCIL.  “Worsening Heatwaves Put Entire Global Food System in Jeopardy, Scientists Warn.”   Common Dreams (July 21, 2023). “There are growing risks of simultaneous major crop losses in different regions in the world,” said one scientist. “This is not what we’re seeing right now, but in the coming decades that’s one […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI HIROSHIMA NAGASAKI REMEMBRANCE AUGUST 6 & 9, 2023 ( Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology Program for Hiroshima Nagasaki 2023 Theme:   What did we learn? Sunday August 6, 7:00 pm, Omni Center for Peace  Program7:00 – catered meal served7:30 – ProgramOpening song, Dale CarpenterWelcome, Founder Dr. Dick BennettAnnouncement from Nuclear Campaign Coordinator, Abel TomlinsonGladys Tiffany moderator, introduce Benetick Maddison video on the Marshallese perspective.Gladys, Introduce Art Hobson, What Did We Learn?  Music – Dale CarpenterReading the names – Karen TakemotoClose with silence in honor of the killed8:35 – Closing gratitudes – […]

Hiroshima Nagasaki Day renewed

“What Have We Learned?”Sunday August 6 – 7:00 pm Omni Center Register for the meal by two methods: 1.Eventbrite –Click Here 2.Pay at the door with registration – call Gladys at 479-283-2167 to register for the dinner. $20 suggested donation, please pay what you are able. Omni and our predecessors have held Hiroshima Nagasaki commemorations since 1971, but covid caused a deep cleft in our practice. For the first time in 3 years Omni will be hosting an event to honor the deaths of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and remind ourselves of the terrible consequences of using weapons of mass destruction. […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #138, JULY 31, 2023 RESISTANCESenator Jeff Merkley: Biden Must Stop New Fossil Fuel Projects.Jay Inslee.   “‘The Climate Change Bomb Has Gone Off.”   Marjory Cohn. “Youth Plaintiffs in Court Against Montana.”    Brett Wilkins.   “‘July Should Be a Wake-Up Call’:  Senator Says Biden Must Stop Approving New Fossil Fuel Projects.”   Common Dreams (7-30-23).  “We are in a climate emergency,” said Oregon Democrat Jeff Merkley. “We can’t take a piecemeal approach to the massive crisis we face.” CLIMATE CHANGE, COMMENTARY, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, LEGAL, U.S.   Jessica Corbett.  “‘The Climate Change Bomb Has Gone Off,’ Says Jay Inslee Amid Extreme Heat.” Common Dreams.  July 23, 2023  “What the scientific community is […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #136, JULY 26, 2023 Abel Tomlinson.  Stop Ukraine War, No Nuclear War Stop Ukraine War & No Nuclear War Protest #5 Dear Friends, Please join us this Saturday for our 5th monthly protest calling for a Stop to the Ukraine War & a Stop the Threats of Nuclear War. We need Peace in Ukraine, and Peace with Russia and China, and peace with every nation. We will also have a special message this month to oppose the U.S. shipment of internationally-condemned cluster bombs to Ukraine, which will harm Ukrainian civilians for decades to come, as they did in Vietnam, Laos, etc. These arms […]

Attunements for the Earth now in print

Dear OMNI Friends, Our planetary climate crisis calls for all possible creative responses. It calls us to turn and tap into the catalyzing intelligence of Nature. Leslie’s and my new book is titled Attunements for the Earth. It includes Leslie’s photographs and my writings. It’s part of our turning, part of our response, and I would greatly appreciate any support you can offer for sharing it with as many people as possible. Attunements for the Earth is now available on Amazon as an ebook, and in soft and hard bound book form.  Above are the front and the back cover, […]