Yearly Archives: 2023

Can there be a post-matacrisis?

When you watch the news it sounds like crisis is everywhere. And lord help those who are stuck on Fox News. The barrage of fear must be overwhelming. Here’s a suggestion: start watching for stories about solutions and your media algorithms will improve. There’s are things going on in the world to be hopeful about. A huge problem for American culture is the fragmentation and isolation among so many of us. Social media, that was intended to bridge those connections, does more to sow confusion and build barriers. Those barriers are a big part of the reason we’ve lost touch […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #142, AUGUST 28, 2023 Earth Overshoot DayJeff Goodell.  The Heat Will Kill You FirstTED HAMILTON.   Beyond Fossil Law:  CLIMATE, COURTS, AND THE FIGHT FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. Earth Overshoot Day We busted Earth’s budget!     By the Numbers 2022 .  an VIEW 2022 HIGHLIGHTS Calculate your personal Overshoot Day Our mobile-friendly calculator is now available in eight languages. You can use it to measure your Ecological Footprint and determine your personal Earth Overshoot Day. The tool helps users learn about solutions so we can all tread more lightly on the Earth. CALCULATE NOW Earth Overshoot Day is an estimate, not an exact date.  . […]

Emerging Homeless Solutions

Is it ok to look at a homeless person? Seeing homeless people on the street is just uncomfortable. Feelings just come up when you see someone so desperate like that. Who are they? Why are they in this state? Will it embarrass them if I look at them? Are they dangerous? This sweet video opens up the conversation with some of the reality for the person on the street. Hope you enjoy it. Please share it if you can. It’ll make future conversations about homeless people easier. Why Eye Contact With Homeless People Matters

This is what a Metacrisis looks like

Vermont in July and Hawaii in August. It’s clear to all but the most resistant that when it comes to climate, we’re not in Kansas anymore. Climate change is real, and resistance to the idea is futile. Even though Northwest Arkansas hasn’t felt the worst effects we see it all around us. Tornadoes have hit in every part of our state, rain by the barrel comes regularly, we’ve had 2 killer arctic vortexes in the past 3 years and right now we’re sweltering in a heat dome. But the disturbing insistence by some of our “leaders” that it’s not real […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #140, AUGUST 23, 2023 Against Nuclear Holocaust Back from the BrinkAbolishing Nuclear Weapons Back from the Brink | Bringing Communities Together to Abolish Nuclear Weapons ( Back from the Brink is a US-based grassroots coalition of individuals, organizations and elected officials working together toward a world free of nuclear weapons and advocating for common sense nuclear weapons policies to secure a safer, more just future. We call on the United States to lead a global effort to prevent nuclear war by: Actively pursuing a verifiable agreement among nuclear-armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals Renouncing the option of using nuclear weapons first Ending […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #141, AUGUST 21, 2023 ( Greta Thunberg.  The Climate Book.  Penguin, 2023.Hanson and Brown.  Government of and for Its Citizens. Matthew Gindin.  “What is metabolic rift?” Greta Thunberg.  The Climate Book.  Penguin, 2023.  I received this book a few days ago and quickly began to admire its “creation” (as the title-author page unusually declares: “Created by Greta Thunberg.”)  For her presence is essential throughout.   She opens her book with four jolting graphics showing the relationship between CO2 and global warming.   The Table of Contents numbers each of the essays and divides them […]

UKRAINE WAR ANTHOLOGY #31August 17, 2023

OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI UKRAINE WAR ANTHOLOGY #31 August 17, 2023 ( Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS WIDENING WAR Jacques Baud.  Operation Z. (book)Benjamin Schwarz and Christopher Layne.  “Why Are We In Ukraine?”  Harper’s    Magazine (June 2023).Daniel Kovalik.  “Russia, Donbass, and the Reality of the Conflict in Ukraine.” Evan Reif.   “Lord of the Underworld: Meet the Paratrooper from North    Carolina who Helped Orchestrate the War in Ukraine.”Scott Ritter.  “Agent Zelensky – Part 2. “ SweenyBhadrakumarB (Moon of Alabama)KlarenbergBhadrakumarNesterenko PEACE PLANSKagarlitskySlagerList of Sources TEXTS Book Jacques Baud.  Operation Z.  2022.  Bottom of Form […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #140, AUGUST 14, 2023 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS.  mONTHLY REVIEW.  June 2022 (Volume 74, Number 2) by The Editors (Jun 01, 2022) Topics: Capitalism  Climate Change  Ecology  Political Economy Places: Global [I discovered I had never forwarded this crucial explanation of the IPCC process of two reports for each of the six IPCC assessments—the scientific report produced by hundreds of scientists based upon thousands of published studies, and the redacted government/corporate final report.  If you had wondered why the final assessments had seemed to have understated their findings, you were reading the Ffnal, doctored document of each of the six assessments.  –Dick] Time is running out for the world to […]