Monthly Archives: December 2023

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #158, DECEMBER 27, 2023   Compiled by Dick Bennett Local ISRAEL/PALESTINE PROTESTS:  Donations to our current campaign for justice and peace in Palestine can be made online with Venmo at this link:    Or, checks can be mailed to Arkansas Antiwar Alliance, 60 West Smith St.Fayetteville, AR 72701Thank you,Abel TomlinsonPalestine Solidarity NWA, OrganizerArkansas Antiwar Alliance, OrganizerOMNI Peace Action Committee, Chair(479)283-5762 NOTE CHANGE OF NAME FOR ISRAEL/PALESTINE DEMONSTRATIONS:Palestine Solidarity NWA PSNWA Gaza Ceasefire Protests & Meeting The next PSNWA protests will be next weekend in Rogers and Bentonville. The focus of these protests is to call for a Ceasefire and to Save the Children. The U.N. reports that around 40% of the deaths from […]

COP 28, 12-15-2023 December 25, 2023

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology OMNI ONGOING REPORTING OF THE 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 28 Thu, Nov 30, 2023 – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS CNN REPORT: COP AND BEYOND What Is COP 28? The Controversy Over Summit Location Big Names Attending Stocktake 8 Years after Paris Biggest Issues: Fossil Fuels and Loss and Damage Fund FURTHER ANALYSISTwo Steps Forward Food and Agriculture Acknowledged Finally Climate Criminals Military Industrial Complex False and Failed Conferences More Deadly Delay SOLUTION: Copy Japan: […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett. Thom Hartmann.  Move to Amend.John J. Berger.  (book) Look Inside Solving the Climate Crisis. MOVE TO AMEND: End Corporate Rule, Legalize DemocracyDick —Hi, I’m Thom Hartmann,  author and progressive political commentator. Many of you know me from my nationally syndicated radio show, the Thom Hartmann Program.  I’m also a long time supporter of Move to Amend!  Please join with me in supporting their work to pass a Constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood and get big money out of politics. (Our civilization and most of our species are imperiled by our nuclear armed wars and by […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #157, DECEMBER 20, 2023 NUCLEAR MISSILES, NUCLEAR HYBRID WAR, ANOTHER REASON TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS William J. Perry and Tom Z. Collina write in The Button: The New Nuclear Arms Race and Presidential Power from Truman to Trump,  Chapter 4, ‘Hacking the Bomb,’” that “Cyber warfare has  become a standard element of the arsenal for what are now called ‘hybrid’ conflicts.”  “The United States’ use of cyberattacks against nuclear and missile programs in Iran and North Korea has changed the nature of warfare.  As the United States sets the example for hybrid conflicts, and as the tools to fight them proliferate, this boomerang […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #157, DECEMBER 18, 2023 Wen Stephenson.  “’”While this everywhere crying.”  The Nation (12.11-18.2023).As a former literature instructor and faculty member in a College of Arts and Sciences, I think of all A&S colleges as potential centers for resistance to nuclear wars and warming.   Except for the Green New Deal movement, we have been so preoccupied with the deniers and greedy and indifferent or oblivious , the willfully ignorant and cynical, we haven’t begun to pay the urgent, absorbing attention to the quality of the transition needed against the chaos ahead with business as usual, its beginnings already forced upon us.    Our colleges of […]

COP 28 Closes with a few steps forward

Two big steps were taken at the just-concluded COP: Language was created that gave some of the most impacted nations (island and coastal nations) ability to make claims to a “loss and damage fund” for climate, but they didn’t fund it. And for the first time language acknowledging the need to get off of fossil fuels was included. Without a clear path forward the claims seem shaky. But some climate activists are encouraged that these are potential tools to make demands on an industry with inordinate power over our lives and economies. Check out the UN Interpress Service reports on […]

Saturday Gaza Protest

Sat Dec 16 – 11:00-1:00 – Court House Dickson and College Omni folks, we are invited to join the protests against this terrible situation in Gaza that’s simply not acceptable. Saturday – tomorrow – please bring a poster that expresses your feelings and stand with those who call for ceasefire and an end to the bitter carnage. This situation does not help Israel. It’s time for peace.

GAZA ANTHOLOGIES # 13December 16, 2023

Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology. (#1: 3-3-08; #2 Nov. 16, 2012; #3 Nov. 17, 2013; #4 May 31, 2014; #5 July 28, 2014; #6 August 30, 2014; #7 April 8, 2015; #8 May 13, 2021; #9, October 15, 2023; #10, October 23, 2023; #11, Nov. 4 and Nov. 7, 2023; #12 , Nov. 16, 2023). Jam the Phone Lines Today.”  12-4-23  . Support RefugeesUNRWA USA National CommitteeATTN: Nahed Elrayes, Emergency Fund for Palestine RefugeesPO Box 18697Washington, DC 20036 SourcesOn foreign policy, US mainstream media (The Washington Post, CNN) mainly reports the government’s point […]