OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #146, OCTOBER 4, 2023 NUCLEAR WEAPONSTom Dispatch and Andrea Mazzarino. “At the Brink.”Robert Weissman, “AI ADDS TO NUCLEAR DANGER.” “Andrea Mazzarino, Nuclear Deterrence, Really?”September 28, 2023. TomDispatch via . . .Today, as TomDispatch regular Andrea Mazzarino reminds us, not just two but nine countries are nuclear-armed and the possibility of a nuclear war has increased accordingly. In addition, we now know that even a conflict in which the U.S. played no part could create a “nuclear winter” that would devastate this country, too. And yet, despite the recent hit movie Oppenheimer, nuclear fears and fantasies are now largely in absentia. Bert, it seems, ducked, covered, and never came up again. So, I think […]